I have tried u-boot for the imx27lite board from LogicPD which is
currently in u-boot-arm repository and I have experienced some
stability problems:
- Sometimes the system gets stuck in serial_getc() from serial_mxc.c
driver when printing information (ex. mii read ).
- Pings do not work properly, the system gets stuck in fec_send()
function waiting always for a frame to be sent (which actually does
not happen).
- Sometimes the system gets stuck when saving the environment to flash
'saveenv', but other times it does it well.

I would like to help to solve this problems, but I don't know exactly
where to begin from. I have been reviewing clock settings. Could this
be happening because this board is using 32KHz xtal as reference
instead of 26MHz one?

Have you experienced these problems also?

Thank you.

Javier Martin
Vista Silicon S.L.
CDTUC - FASE C - Oficina S-345
Avda de los Castros s/n
39005- Santander. Cantabria. Spain
+34 942 25 32 60
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