On Fri, Jul 08, 2016 at 01:02:26AM +0900, tnishinaga....@gmail.com wrote:

> From: Toshifumi NISHINAGA <tnishinaga....@gmail.com>
> This change is to remove a halt at about 200KiB
> while sending a large(1MiB) binary to a micro controller using USART1.
> USART1 is connected to a PC via an on-board ST-Link debugger
> that also functions as a USB-Serial converter.
> However, it seems to loss some data occasionally.
> So I changed the serial port to USART6 and connected it to the PC using
> an FTDI USB-Serial cable, therefore the transmission was successfully
> completed.
> Signed-off-by: Toshifumi NISHINAGA <tnishinaga....@gmail.com>

Applied to u-boot/master, thanks!


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