
I use Coreboot with u-boot-x86 as payload to bring-up my Intel Atom C2000 
platform, but I cannot make my SPI flash(w25q128fv) to work.
Actually the SPI was detected under coreboot with correct ID, but in u-boot “sf 
probe” command, it just always failed.
After tracing and code dump, I found it was failed due to SPIS_FCERR in 
spi/ich.c spi_xfer function.
I totally have no idea why this happened and how to proceed my bring-up.
My u-boot-x86 is up-to-date version and the SPI use intel,ich9-spi compatible 
in my dts file.

Following is my dm tree and there is spi-flash device

=> dm tree
Class       Probed   Name
root        [ + ]    root_driver
serial      [ + ]    |-- serial
keyboard    [ + ]    |-- keyboard
rtc         [   ]    |-- rtc
timer       [ + ]    |-- tsc-timer
pci         [ + ]    `-- pci
pch         [ + ]        |-- pch@1f,0
irq         [ + ]        |   |-- irq-router
spi         [   ]        |   `-- spi
spi_flash   [   ]        |       `-- spi-flash@0
pci_generic [   ]        |-- pci_0:0.0
pci         [ + ]        |-- pci_0:1.0
pci_generic [   ]        |   `-- pci_1:0.0
pci         [ + ]        |-- pci_0:3.0
pci_generic [   ]        |-- pci_0:e.0
pci_generic [   ]        |-- pci_0:f.0
pci_generic [   ]        |-- pci_0:13.0
usb         [   ]        |-- ehci_pci
pci_generic [   ]        |-- pci_0:17.0
pci_generic [   ]        |-- pci_0:18.0
pci_generic [   ]        `-- pci_0:1f.3
Could you please give me some hint or tell me where I can reference? Thanks.

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