Dear Wolfgang,

2009/9/7 Wolfgang Denk <>

> Hello everybody,
> I wrote on
> | Hello everybody,
> |
> | ARM has always been one of the architectures that generated a big
> | number of different processors and SoCs, but recently the activitiy in
> | this area is literally exploding.  This is partially due to the fact
> | that ARM is currently used in many designs, so many new ARM based
> | processors and SoCs and even more new ARM boards show up, but another
> | and at least as important change is that some silicon and board
> | vendors have started to actively pushing their products into the
> | U-Boot (and Linux) mainline source trees (and *welcome* they all
> | are!).
> |
> | It has become evident that this growing complexity has become way too
> | massive to be shouldered by a single custodian, even a very active one
> | like Jean-Christophe.
> |
> | I think we have no other choice but to add more manpower to this task,
> | i. e. split the ARM respository and distribute the workload across a
> | few more custodians.
> |
> | Unline with the Power architecture, where the split can be easily
> | defined by processor lines, with ARM it seems more logical to me to
> | differentiate by silicon vendors.
> Thanks for all the discussion so far. I really appreciate your help.
> As we are in the middle of a merge window, I don't want to waste much
> time. Therefore changes become effective immediately.
> This is the result we have so far:
> master ARM repository:        Tom Rix
>         Tom has accepted his new responsibility. Thanks a lot for
>        that. Tom succeeds Jean-Christophe Plagniol-Villard who did
>        this work so far.
>        Big thanks goes to Jean-Christophe for all his work so far. I
>        hope this change helps to reduce your work load enough so you
>        can focus n the many tasks you are running in parallel. Many
>        of us are looking forward to seeing your results.
> Atmel (AT91):                 Jean-Christophe Plagniol-Villard
>         no changes here.
> Freescale (i.MX)
>        So far we didn't find a volunteer yet.
>        Until we find one, we will not split out a separate repository
>        either.
> Marvell (PXA + IXP):          Jean-Christophe Plagniol-Villard
>         no changes here.
> Marvell (all other):          Prafulla Wadaskar
>         Prafulla has accepted his new responsibility. Thanks a lot
>        for that.
> Samsung (s3c, s5pc):          Minkyu Kang
>        We don't have Minkyu Kang's word yet, but Kyungmin Park
>        recommended him, and I'm optimistic to receiving his OK.

sorry to late response.
I need all of your help :)
Thank you for give me the opportunity.

> Texas Instruments (OMAP,DaVinci):     Sandeep Paulraj
>        Sandeep has accepted responsibility for TI's DaVinci SOCs; at
>        the moment it is not clear yet how we will handle OMAP -
>        Sandeep suggested to split OMAP and DaVinci into separate
>        repositories, but I would like to avoid this, at least until
>        all the other changes have sunk in and stabilized. I hope that
>        others (Dirk, Tom) can help out a bit here and support Sandeep
>        where needed.
> I will thus create the following new git repositories:
>        u-boot-marvell
>        u-boot-samsung
>        u-boot-ti
> Tom, Prafulla, Minkyu and Sandeep: can you please send me your SSH
> public keys so I can enable your access to these repositories?
> Minkyu - Kyungmin mentioned that you have problems to push files to
> an external git repository through SSH. Is there any other method we
> can set up to make access for you easier? Anything that can be done
> onour side (like providing a special configuration, say with
> non-standsard port numbers or so) is easy for us. Alternatively, if
> you could set up a local repository on your side and enable me to
> access it through ssh or rsync, I can easily use this and mirror it
> to the publicly accessable server. In short - if there is anything we
> can do to make work easier for you, please don't hesitate to tell me.
> Best regards,
> Wolfgang Denk
> --
> DENX Software Engineering GmbH,     MD: Wolfgang Denk & Detlev Zundel
> HRB 165235 Munich, Office: Kirchenstr.5, D-82194 Groebenzell, Germany
> Phone: (+49)-8142-66989-10 Fax: (+49)-8142-66989-80 Email:
> WARNING:  This Product Attracts Every Other Piece  of  Matter in  the
> Universe, Including the Products of Other Manufacturers, with a Force
> Proportional  to the Product of the Masses and Inversely Proportional
> to the Distance Between Them.
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