Dear Marek,

The following changes since commit

  Prepare v2016.05-rc1 (2016-04-11 22:22:25 -0400)

are available in the git repository at:


for you to fetch changes up to e867669afd0478b1582b67e0c08ad047f1f49ec1:

  usb: gadget Move: CONFIG_G_DNL_* to Kconfig (2016-04-14 11:55:30

John Tobias (2):
      USB: g_dnl: Change device class
      usb: ums - expose selected partition/s

Sam Protsenko (7):
      usb: gadget: Move CONFIG_USB_GADGET_VBUS_DRAW to Kconfig
      usb: gadget: Move CONFIG_USB_GADGET_DUALSPEED to Kconfig
      usb: gadget: Move CONFIG_USB_GADGET_DOWNLOAD to Kconfig
      usb: dwc3: Move CONFIG_USB_DWC3_GADGET/HOST to Kconfig
      usb: dwc3: Move CONFIG_USB_DWC3_OMAP to Kconfig
      usb: dwc3: Move CONFIG_USB_DWC3_PHY_* to Kconfig
      usb: gadget Move: CONFIG_G_DNL_* to Kconfig

 cmd/usb_mass_storage.c                       | 39
 configs/A13-OLinuXino_defconfig              |  4 ++++
 configs/CHIP_defconfig                       |  4 ++++
 configs/Cubietruck_defconfig                 |  4 ++++
 configs/am335x_baltos_defconfig              |  5 +++++
 configs/am335x_boneblack_defconfig           |  5 +++++
 configs/am335x_boneblack_vboot_defconfig     |  5 +++++
 configs/am335x_evm_defconfig                 |  5 +++++
 configs/am335x_evm_nor_defconfig             |  5 +++++
 configs/am335x_evm_norboot_defconfig         |  5 +++++
 configs/am335x_evm_spiboot_defconfig         |  5 +++++
 configs/am335x_evm_usbspl_defconfig          |  5 +++++
 configs/am335x_gp_evm_defconfig              |  5 +++++
 configs/am437x_gp_evm_defconfig              |  8 ++++++++
 configs/am437x_sk_evm_defconfig              |  8 ++++++++
 configs/am43xx_evm_defconfig                 |  8 ++++++++
 configs/am43xx_evm_ethboot_defconfig         |  8 ++++++++
 configs/am43xx_evm_qspiboot_defconfig        |  8 ++++++++
 configs/am43xx_evm_usbhost_boot_defconfig    |  8 ++++++++
 configs/apalis_t30_defconfig                 |  5 +++++
 configs/bcm11130_defconfig                   |  5 +++++
 configs/bcm11130_nand_defconfig              |  5 +++++
 configs/bcm28155_ap_defconfig                |  5 +++++
 configs/bcm28155_w1d_defconfig               |  5 +++++
 configs/beaver_defconfig                     |  5 +++++
 configs/birdland_bav335a_defconfig           |  5 +++++
 configs/birdland_bav335b_defconfig           |  5 +++++
 configs/cgtqmx6eval_defconfig                |  5 +++++
 configs/colibri_t20_defconfig                |  9 +++++++--
 configs/colibri_t30_defconfig                |  5 +++++
 configs/colibri_vf_defconfig                 |  5 +++++
 configs/corvus_defconfig                     |  5 +++++
 configs/dalmore_defconfig                    |  5 +++++
 configs/dra72_evm_defconfig                  |  8 ++++++++
 configs/dra74_evm_defconfig                  |  8 ++++++++
 configs/dra7xx_evm_defconfig                 |  8 ++++++++
 configs/dra7xx_evm_qspiboot_defconfig        |  8 ++++++++
 configs/dra7xx_evm_uart3_defconfig           |  8 ++++++++
 configs/draco_defconfig                      |  5 +++++
 configs/e2220-1170_defconfig                 |  5 +++++
 configs/gwventana_defconfig                  |  5 +++++
 configs/jetson-tk1_defconfig                 |  5 +++++
 configs/kc1_defconfig                        |  4 ++++
 configs/ma5d4evk_defconfig                   |  1 +
 configs/mx6dlsabreauto_defconfig             |  5 +++++
 configs/mx6dlsabresd_defconfig               |  5 +++++
 configs/mx6qpsabreauto_defconfig             |  5 +++++
 configs/mx6qsabreauto_defconfig              |  5 +++++
 configs/mx6qsabrelite_defconfig              |  5 +++++
 configs/mx6qsabresd_defconfig                |  5 +++++
 configs/mx6sabresd_spl_defconfig             |  5 +++++
 configs/mx7dsabresd_defconfig                |  5 +++++
 configs/nitrogen6dl2g_defconfig              |  5 +++++
 configs/nitrogen6dl_defconfig                |  5 +++++
 configs/nitrogen6q2g_defconfig               |  5 +++++
 configs/nitrogen6q_defconfig                 |  5 +++++
 configs/nitrogen6s1g_defconfig               |  5 +++++
 configs/nitrogen6s_defconfig                 |  5 +++++
 configs/novena_defconfig                     |  3 +++
 configs/nyan-big_defconfig                   |  5 +++++
 configs/odroid-xu3_defconfig                 |  7 +++++++
 configs/odroid_defconfig                     |  5 +++++
 configs/omap3_beagle_defconfig               |  5 +++++
 configs/omap3_logic_defconfig                |  5 +++++
 configs/omap5_uevm_defconfig                 |  8 ++++++++
 configs/origen_defconfig                     |  5 +++++
 configs/p2371-0000_defconfig                 |  5 +++++
 configs/p2371-2180_defconfig                 |  5 +++++
 configs/p2571_defconfig                      |  5 +++++
 configs/pcm051_rev1_defconfig                |  3 +++
 configs/pcm051_rev3_defconfig                |  3 +++
 configs/pengwyn_defconfig                    |  1 +
 configs/pxm2_defconfig                       |  5 +++++
 configs/rastaban_defconfig                   |  5 +++++
 configs/rut_defconfig                        |  5 +++++
 configs/s5p_goni_defconfig                   |  5 +++++
 configs/s5pc210_universal_defconfig          |  5 +++++
 configs/sama5d2_xplained_mmc_defconfig       |  1 +
 configs/sama5d2_xplained_spiflash_defconfig  |  1 +
 configs/sama5d3xek_mmc_defconfig             |  1 +
 configs/sama5d3xek_nandflash_defconfig       |  1 +
 configs/sama5d3xek_spiflash_defconfig        |  1 +
 configs/sama5d4_xplained_mmc_defconfig       |  1 +
 configs/sama5d4_xplained_nandflash_defconfig |  1 +
 configs/sama5d4_xplained_spiflash_defconfig  |  1 +
 configs/sama5d4ek_mmc_defconfig              |  1 +
 configs/sama5d4ek_nandflash_defconfig        |  1 +
 configs/sama5d4ek_spiflash_defconfig         |  1 +
 configs/sansa_fuze_plus_defconfig            |  3 +++
 configs/smartweb_defconfig                   |  4 ++++
 configs/sniper_defconfig                     |  4 ++++
 configs/socfpga_arria5_defconfig             |  5 +++++
 configs/socfpga_cyclone5_defconfig           |  5 +++++
 configs/socfpga_de0_nano_soc_defconfig       |  5 +++++
 configs/socfpga_mcvevk_defconfig             |  5 +++++
 configs/socfpga_sockit_defconfig             |  5 +++++
 configs/socfpga_socrates_defconfig           |  5 +++++
 configs/taurus_defconfig                     |  4 ++++
 configs/tbs2910_defconfig                    |  5 +++++
 configs/thuban_defconfig                     |  5 +++++
 configs/trats2_defconfig                     |  5 +++++
 configs/trats_defconfig                      |  5 +++++
 configs/venice2_defconfig                    |  5 +++++
 configs/vinco_defconfig                      |  1 +
 configs/xfi3_defconfig                       |  3 +++
 configs/xilinx_zynqmp_ep_defconfig           |  6 ++++++
 configs/zynq_picozed_defconfig               |  9 +++++++--
 configs/zynq_zc702_defconfig                 |  9 +++++++--
 configs/zynq_zc706_defconfig                 |  9 +++++++--
 configs/zynq_zed_defconfig                   |  9 +++++++--
 configs/zynq_zybo_defconfig                  |  9 +++++++--
 drivers/usb/Kconfig                          |  2 ++
 drivers/usb/dwc3/Kconfig                     | 57
 drivers/usb/gadget/Kconfig                   | 67
 drivers/usb/gadget/g_dnl.c                   |  6 +++---
 drivers/usb/musb-new/Kconfig                 |  1 +
 include/configs/am335x_evm.h                 |  9 ---------
 include/configs/am3517_evm.h                 |  1 -
 include/configs/am43xx_evm.h                 | 26
 include/configs/baltos.h                     |  9 ---------
 include/configs/bav335x.h                    |  9 ---------
 include/configs/bcm28155_ap.h                |  7 -------
 include/configs/cgtqmx6eval.h                |  8 --------
 include/configs/colibri_vf.h                 |  7 -------
 include/configs/corvus.h                     | 10 ----------
 include/configs/dra7xx_evm.h                 | 13 -------------
 include/configs/exynos4-common.h             | 11 +----------
 include/configs/gw_ventana.h                 |  9 ---------
 include/configs/kc1.h                        | 13 -------------
 include/configs/kwb.h                        |  2 --
 include/configs/ma5d4evk.h                   |  2 --
 include/configs/mx6sabre_common.h            |  8 --------
 include/configs/mx7dsabresd.h                |  8 --------
 include/configs/nitrogen6x.h                 |  9 ---------
 include/configs/novena.h                     |  2 --
 include/configs/odroid_xu3.h                 | 15 ---------------
 include/configs/omap3_beagle.h               |  7 -------
 include/configs/omap3_logic.h                |  7 -------
 include/configs/omap5_uevm.h                 | 13 -------------
 include/configs/pcm051.h                     |  2 --
 include/configs/pengwyn.h                    |  3 ---
 include/configs/s5p_goni.h                   | 10 ++--------
 include/configs/s5pc210_universal.h          |  2 --
 include/configs/sama5d2_xplained.h           |  2 --
 include/configs/sama5d3xek.h                 |  2 --
 include/configs/sama5d4_xplained.h           |  2 --
 include/configs/sama5d4ek.h                  |  2 --
 include/configs/sansa_fuze_plus.h            |  3 ---
 include/configs/siemens-am33x-common.h       |  7 -------
 include/configs/smartweb.h                   |  7 -------
 include/configs/sniper.h                     | 13 -------------
 include/configs/socfpga_common.h             | 15 ++-------------
 include/configs/sunxi-common.h               | 10 ----------
 include/configs/taurus.h                     |  7 -------
 include/configs/tbs2910.h                    |  7 -------
 include/configs/tegra-common-usb-gadget.h    | 13 -------------
 include/configs/tseries.h                    |  2 --
 include/configs/vinco.h                      |  2 --
 include/configs/warp.h                       |  8 --------
 include/configs/xfi3.h                       |  3 ---
 include/configs/xilinx_zynqmp.h              | 10 ----------
 include/configs/zynq-common.h                |  7 ------- 163 files
 changed, 709 insertions(+), 352 deletions(-) create mode 100644

Tested with tests/py DFU and UMS on Odroid XU3 target board.

Best regards,

Lukasz Majewski

Samsung R&D Institute Poland (SRPOL) | Linux Platform Group
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