

Please can someone clarify the following points regarding the 'Consumer
API' which we wish to use to access the environment from the core
application of a commercial closed source product.


1)       Is it true that the so called 'consumer application' can use
this API and remain closed source - if so, where in the license
information is this made clear?

2)       Who has agreed (or has to agree) that this is acceptable use?
It's all very well Rafal adding the code and a 'public' header file with
a BSD license - but surely all of the authors that have contributed to
code accessed through this API would have to consent to these terms.

3)       If presume that we cannot use the GPLv2 glue files in a closed
source application.


We need to understand these points before we can proceed with code that
interacts with this API.


Also, following on from these points, how would we go about extending
the API?  Specifically, we would like to add a saveenv function to the
API - is it legitimate for us to simply extend the API to add this
functionality - provided we publish our changes to u-boot as per the GPL
- without compromising our core application code as closed source?




Daniel Sherwood
Software Engineer
Sepura PLC

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Cambridge, CB4 1GR, UK
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