Hi Marek,

> Perform usual test, disable cache (dcache off) .

I tried and result is still the same.

UPD: I did a little trick:
1. I started ping from the board side. That made the board listen to incoming 
packets (calling in infinite loop eth_rx() ).
2. Started ping from PC side.
3. In this case board receive ICMP packets from PC:

packet received
Receive from protocol 0x800
Got IP
len=60, v=45
Got ICMP ECHO REQUEST, return 74 bytes 

So, ICMP packets are handled by the board, but ARP packets not.

In my understanding it tells me that at least interface on the board side is 

I'm now doing some low-level debugging, however I think this is not the best 
idea. :)
Now dw_eth_recv (designware.c) always returns 0 length of the packet.

Best regards,
Denis Bakhvalov
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