
I'm using U-Boot 2013.01.01, and I've noticed an odd behaviour when the system 
is checking for bad blocks on my Micron NAND.

Let's say we have a NAND memory with the following features:

 Memory Size 128 MB

 Sector size 128 KiB

 Page size      2048 b

 OOB size         64 b

 Erase size   131072 b

If I try and mark a block as bad manually (via nand markbad), the following 

U-Boot@UCC3# nand markbad 0x4290000
block 0x04290000 successfully marked as bad
U-Boot@UCC3# nand bad

Device 0 bad blocks:

Everything seems fine. However, after a reboot, the system loses the 
information. Sifting through the code, I found the it is only checking the 
first two pages OOB. Note however that the block that gets marked as bad is 
block 0x4280000, which is aligned in memory with the eraseblock size (1st page 
in the eraseblock). Also, if I dump the oob info from 0x428000, it is not 
flagged as bad, but  in 0x429000, the first byte is still 0x00, indicating it 
as bad.

If I mark the 1st or 2nd page in an erase block as bad, then the information 
persists through boot cycles. Also, I've verified that we are not using a NAND 
based bbt.

My main concern is that, because this checking shared between functionalities, 
everytime we erase a block, we keep losing bad block information, because inner 
pages (i.e. not the 1st or 2nd in an eraseblock), are flagged as good, which, 
in my point of view,  is a bad thing.

If this is indeed the intended behaviour, it seems to me that it is due to 
performance reasons. So, in this case, should we mark the whole eraseblock as 
bad (by writing 0x00 to the 1st or 2nd pages) if we find a single bad page in a 
block? Isn't this also a bad solution, since we will be marking 128kiB as bad 
due to a single page? Shouldn't this control be made at a finer level (i.e. 
page level)?

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