> Dear "Dexdyne Postmaster",

whoops - fixed that now!!!

> This depends on your configuration. When using an "embedded"
> environment, this will get replaced with each install.

" this will get replaced with each install "

sorry - I don't know how you mean that will happen....

OK - I'm working on an AVR32 - if I follow the instructions they give, it
replaces the u-boot code, and leaves the environment sector in flash
I have added a 1-byte-write to the sector to my script to corrupt it....
but a command would be easier.

> > Worse, there doesn't seem to be a command to say "over-write that 
> > with
> > your new defaults"
> You can run a script image that does whatever you want.

OK again - I don't seem to have scripting enabled in my u-boot - I'd like
to do that so I can use && in by boot sequence. 

What would I put in a script to have the effect of forcing a load of the
new defaults??? If there's no single command, do you mean I could make up
a script full of "set" commands?

> > If that is indeed so, then can I propose such a command should be 
> > added?
> Search the archives. There has been a proposal before, and even an 
> has been agreed on, it's just that nobody implemented it yet. 
> Patches are welcome.

I did some reading last night, and did indeed find the proposed
implementation on the to-do list .... 


David Collier

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