On 1.12.2015 11:46, Stefan Roese wrote:
> Hi Michal,
> On 01.12.2015 11:21, Michal Simek wrote:
>> I was checking spl/u-boot-spl.dtb and I see that you are removing
>> interrupt-parent property but I think that also make sense to remove
>> interrupt property as well because it is unused and parent is also
>> removed.
>> Just extend OF_SPL_REMOVE_PROPS by "interrupts" to save some memory.
> I'm fine with this.
>> Another thing I was checking was that we are missing rules for removing
>> nodes with status = "disabled" property. I think that will be good to
>> add it. The reason is that I would move all that u-boot,dm-pre-reloc to
>> dtsi at least for now.
> Hmmm. I prefer to add this "u-boot,dm-pre-reloc" to the board dts
> file instead of using the dtsi files. At least for the real devices,
> like UART etc. As they vary between the different boards.

How do you handle if you have 2 uarts which one is primary one?
That only one has dm-pre-reloc? Or are you using aliases?

> Perhaps its possible to enable those busses (simple-bus) needed
> to traverse to the requested device automatically via fdtgrep?
> That would make this much easier and less error-prone. And would
> result in less "u-boot,dm-pre-reloc" occurances in the dts / dtsi
> files.

I still think that instead of putting this property to every node having
one property with list of devices in chosen node is better way.
But I haven't had a time to play with it.


Michal Simek, Ing. (M.Eng), OpenPGP -> KeyID: FE3D1F91
w: www.monstr.eu p: +42-0-721842854
Maintainer of Linux kernel - Microblaze cpu - http://www.monstr.eu/fdt/
Maintainer of Linux kernel - Xilinx Zynq ARM architecture
Microblaze U-BOOT custodian and responsible for u-boot arm zynq platform

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