
On 22 October 2015 at 20:50, hl <h...@rock-chips.com> wrote:
> Hi Simon,
> On 23/10/15 09:34, Simon Glass wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 22 October 2015 at 19:27, hl <h...@rock-chips.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Simon,
>>> On 22/10/15 22:08, Simon Glass wrote:
>>>> On 20 October 2015 at 20:37, Lin Huang <h...@rock-chips.com> wrote:
>>>>> This add some basic files required to allow the board to dispaly
>>>>> serial message and can run command(mmc info etc)
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Lin Huang <h...@rock-chips.com>
>>>>> ---
>>>>> Changes in v1:
>>>>> - clean copyright announcement
>>>>>    arch/arm/dts/Makefile                    |  3 ++-
>>>>>    arch/arm/dts/rk3036-sdk.dts              | 46
>>>>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>>>    board/evb_rk3036/evb_rk3036/Kconfig      | 15 +++++++++++
>>>>>    board/evb_rk3036/evb_rk3036/MAINTAINERS  |  0
>>>>>    board/evb_rk3036/evb_rk3036/Makefile     |  7 +++++
>>>>>    board/evb_rk3036/evb_rk3036/evb_rk3036.c |  7 +++++
>>>>>    configs/evb-rk3036_defconfig             | 41
>>>>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>>>    include/configs/evb_rk3036.h             | 12 +++++++++
>>>>>    8 files changed, 130 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
>>>>>    create mode 100644 arch/arm/dts/rk3036-sdk.dts
>>>>>    create mode 100644 board/evb_rk3036/evb_rk3036/Kconfig
>>>>>    create mode 100644 board/evb_rk3036/evb_rk3036/MAINTAINERS
>>>>>    create mode 100644 board/evb_rk3036/evb_rk3036/Makefile
>>>>>    create mode 100644 board/evb_rk3036/evb_rk3036/evb_rk3036.c
>>>>>    create mode 100644 configs/evb-rk3036_defconfig
>>>>>    create mode 100644 include/configs/evb_rk3036.h
>>>> Can you also please update doc/README.rockchip with build instructions
>>>> and how to get an image onto this board?
>>>      I try to figure out how to merge binary blob and u-boot-dtb.bin use
>>> mkimage,
>>>      i will update doc/README ASAP when i finish it. And where should
>>> the
>>> binary blob store?
>> Hopefully we don't need the binary block, and u-boot-spl.bin will
>> contain all the code needed. There are boards already with tiny SPL
>> images.
>> Then you can just provide instructions on how to build the image,
>> perhaps with the 'dd' tool. You don't need to build an entire image in
>> the build system - just provide instructions on how someone might put
>> the SPL and U-Boot onto an SD card and get it to boot.
>     Okay, i will implement rk3036 sdram driver first, and try to run it in
> SPL,
>     it may take some times.

Sounds good, thanks. Perhaps the rk3288 driver might be a starting
point? I'm not sure how similar they are.

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