Hi Yuan

On 19/10/15 05:21 AM, Yao Yuan wrote:
Hi Sinan Akman,

Yes, I mean the Rev 1.0 silicon.
Sorry, I can't guarantee that there aren't any boards with Rev1.0 silicon are 
in user's hands.
Because we have also delivery very little board with Rev1.0 silicon to  
customer  or developer for developing, assessing and verifying in the early 

  Thanks for the follow up on this, but I don't think that there were only
very few rev1.0 boards delivered. These were the boards bought from
distributor and during the time span of many weeks.

  I don't know the details and the impact of this patch exactly but
if the patch will break any rev1.0 board I don't think this would be
acceptable. There are definitely enough number of rev1.0 boards
made generally available (not specifically for early adapters etc)
that we should not break u-boot running on them.

Also we haven't support Rev1.0 in our SDK now.

  Sorry, but this is a bit irrelevant here. I'd expect u-boot mainline
does not necessarily follow what your SDK stops supporting. If
u-boot supported rev1.0 boards and if there are still many of
 them out there I see no reason to break this.

  Sinan Akman


Best Regards,
Yuan Yao

-----Original Message-----
From: Sinan Akman [mailto:si...@writeme.com]
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2015 3:37 AM
To: Sun York-R58495 <york...@freescale.com>; Yuan Yao-B46683
<yao.y...@freescale.com>; Wang Huan-B18965 <alison.w...@freescale.com>
Cc: u-boot@lists.denx.de
Subject: Re: [U-Boot] [PATCH] configs: ls1021atwr: Enable ID EEPROM for SD

    Hi Yuan

On 15/10/15 12:40 PM, York Sun wrote:

On 10/15/2015 12:55 AM, Yuan Yao-B46683 wrote:
Hi york,

The earlier SoC is just LS1021a rev1.0, but rev1.0 haven't delivery to the
Also the rev1.0 has since gone out of production.
So we don't have necessary to support rev1.0 because no one will or
possibly to use rev1.0.

    Just to make this clear, the boards we bought all show :

CPU:   Freescale LayerScape LS1021E, Version: 1.0, (0x87081110)

    When you mention "rev1.0 haven't delivery to the customer" are you not
referring to Rev 1.0 silicon ?

    Sinan Akman


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