
On 15-10-16 16:20:07, Santhosh Kumar Janardhanam -ERS, HCL Tech wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am working on USB part for vybrid vf-610 processor, We have two ports in 
> the board
> when I type usb start in uboot command prompt, It returns as ENODEV for USB0 
> and when analyzed, It is returning from the below code in ehci-hcd_init 
> function(in ehci-vf.c)
>         if (init == USB_INIT_HOST && index == 0)
>                 return -ENODEV;
>  If these two  lines are commented, the usb start is working and device is 
> found on USB0. 
> Why is this check kept in the code? 

I am the author of the ehci-vf USB driver which is based on iMX6 implementation.
The implementation was done as per our requirements where we have one port as
host and another as client. In hindsight my implementation is severely 
and at that time I missed thinking of it and did not had other boards to test.

I will fix this up and send a patch. However I need to look a bit. The ideal way
would be to fix it up in board_ehci_hcd_init call however that does not provide
the init parameter to distinguish between USB_INIT_DEVICE and USB_INIT_HOST.

May I ask are you using some module or you have your custom setup around the
Vybrid? Sorry for the trouble. Thanks for reporting.

- Sanchayan.

> Regards,
> Santhosh
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