This patch makes use of the previous changes to add a new "fel" boot
target for sunxi boards.

When booting via FEL, it's often desirable to work around the absence
of other (usable) boot devices - or to be able to override them,
deviating from the standard boot sequence. To achieve this, the "fel"
boot target gets the highest priority, but won't actually do anything
unless certain criteria are met.

The "bootcmd_fel" implementation proposed here first tests if an actual
FEL boot takes place (using the "fel_booted" env var), and secondly
checks that "fel_data_addr" was set (originating from the 'loader',
i.e. the sunxi-tools fel utility). If both checks pass, then it will
try to execute a boot script (boot.scr) at the given address. In case
of an error (e.g. an invalid image), the source command might return
"false", causing "distro_bootcmd" to proceed with the next boot target.

Signed-off-by: Bernhard Nortmann <>


 include/configs/sunxi-common.h | 13 +++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+)

diff --git a/include/configs/sunxi-common.h b/include/configs/sunxi-common.h
index 48cc4ed..750355d 100644
--- a/include/configs/sunxi-common.h
+++ b/include/configs/sunxi-common.h
@@ -423,7 +423,20 @@ extern int soft_i2c_gpio_scl;
+/* FEL boot support, auto-execute boot.scr if a script address was provided */
+#define BOOTENV_DEV_FEL(devtypeu, devtypel, instance) \
+       "bootcmd_fel=" \
+               "if test -n ${fel_booted}; then " \
+                       "echo '(FEL boot)';" \
+                       "if test -n ${fel_data_addr}; then " \
+                               "source ${fel_data_addr}; " \
+                       "fi; " \
+               "fi\0"
+#define BOOTENV_DEV_NAME_FEL(devtypeu, devtypel, instance) \
+       "fel "
 #define BOOT_TARGET_DEVICES(func) \
+       func(FEL, fel, na) \

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