On Thu, Sep 03, 2015 at 02:21:39PM +0200, Lukasz Majewski wrote:

> It is very common that FAT code is using following pattern:
> if (disk_{read|write}() < 0)
>         return -1;
> Up till now the above code was dead, since disk_{read|write) could only
> return value >= 0.
> As a result some errors from medium layer (i.e. eMMC/SD) were not caught.
> The above behavior was caused by block_{read|write|erase} declared at
> struct block_dev_desc (@part.h). It returns unsigned long, where 0
> indicates error and > 0 indicates that medium operation was correct.
> This patch as error regards 0 returned from block_{read|write|erase}
> when nr_blocks is grater than zero. Read/Write operation with nr_blocks=0
> should return 0 and hence is not considered as an error.
> Signed-off-by: Lukasz Majewski <l.majew...@samsung.com>
> Test HW: Odroid XU3 - Exynos 5433

Can you pick up Stephen's FAT replacement series and see if it also
fixes this problem?  Thanks!


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