On Tuesday 21 July 2009 01:09:11 Ben Warren wrote:
> Mike Frysinger wrote:
> > Signed-off-by: Mike Frysinger <vap...@gentoo.org>
> > ---
> > Ben: some things to note:
> >     - i adopted Jean's proposed naming scheme in the CONFIG section
> Is this a generally-accepted naming convention?  I personally think it's
> crap, and since there isn't a single driver that uses it yet, you might
> say this is a bit ahead of the curve.

some style needed to be suggested, and what Jean proposed is better than what 
we have today (which is nothing)

> >     - i deprecated calling the driver-specific entry point
> >       "xxx_initialization()" in favor of "xxx_register()" because the
> >       former is way too confusing with everyone also having "xxx_init()"
> That may be so, but since there isn't a single driver that uses this
> naming convention, you're wishing something that ain't so.

that's why i said "should", deprecated current naming, and noted existing 
practice.  if you agree with the proposal, it's easy enough to run sed on a 
few files to fix one function name.  you agree with my comment that today's 
behavior is confusing even if you stare and bang on the code day in and day 
out ?  it's even worse for the occasional observer ...

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