Mike Frysinger wrote:
> Signed-off-by: Mike Frysinger <vap...@gentoo.org>
> ---
> Ben: some things to note:
>       - i adopted Jean's proposed naming scheme in the CONFIG section
Is this a generally-accepted naming convention?  I personally think it's 
crap, and since there isn't a single driver that uses it yet, you might 
say this is a bit ahead of the curve.
>       - i deprecated calling the driver-specific entry point
>         "xxx_initialization()" in favor of "xxx_register()" because the
>         former is way too confusing with everyone also having "xxx_init()"
That may be so, but since there isn't a single driver that uses this 
naming convention, you're wishing something that ain't so.

Other than that, nice writeup.  thanks!

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