Hi Bin,

On 14 August 2015 at 15:15, Bin Meng <bmeng...@gmail.com> wrote:

> These are Kconfig options. I am not sure what makes you think they are binary?

Binary as commented out vs set to y

>> That might be inferred from the doc, when it is said to set a certain option.
>> So one might just try to set it to "y"
>> But it's not 100% obvious.
> Again, these are Kconfig stuff. You can easily add these options by
> looking at the existing options in the same config file, even without
> knowing Kconfig.

But some Kconfig options are used as strings, so one could be set as:


and another could be unset as:


That's what I meant.


> I believe the intention here is that we don't want to create too many
> board defconfig files with just one or two different option(s). With
> EFI payload, technically almost every x86 board we support can support
> building as the EFI payload. If we do that way, we may end up creating
> too many config variants to "pollute" the U-Boot source tree. The
> defconfig files (as indicated by its name) is only the default
> configuration for a board and one can adjust the file with whatever
> options he likes to add/remove.

Yes, I understand.

In the end it's a decision on the trade-off between having a terse
directory and file layout vs. giving 1st time users something that
works out of the box.

As 1st time user I would obviously go for the latter :-)
If there is something that _is_ expected to work, it reduces the
problem space I have to debug when I experience a failure.

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