Hi Bin, Simon,
thanks for your time, unfortunately I'm still having issues, please see below.

On 14 August 2015 at 05:09, Bin Meng <bmeng...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am using QEMU 2.3.0 (built from source) and EFI BIOS (IA32 and X64,
> built from git source)

I downloaded and built the latest stable QEMU: 2.4.50
according to https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/QEMU/Linux

And I got the binary EFI firmware from the Tianocore website


Both 32 bit and 64 bit payloads still fail, however not in the same way:

32 bit:

I run
qemu-system-i386 --nographic --bios ../OVMF-IA32/OVMF.fd -hda fat:payload32/efi/

Shell> u-boot-payload.efi
U-Boot EFI Payload
!!!! IA32 Exception Type - 00000006    CPU Apic ID - 00000000 !!!!
EIP  - FFF00012, CS  - 00000010, EFLAGS - 00000046
EAX  - 00000000, ECX - 067FA010, EDX - 00000000, EBX - 066EE000
ESP  - 07FAFAC0, EBP - 066EE000, ESI - FFF00000, EDI - 07FC0FC8
DS   - 00000008, ES  - 00000008, FS  - 00000008, GS  - 00000008, SS -
CR0  - 40000033, CR2 - 00000000, CR3 - 00000000, CR4 - 00000648
DR0  - 00000000, DR1 - 00000000, DR2 - 00000000, DR3 - 00000000
DR6  - FFFF0FF0, DR7 - 00000400
GDTR - 07F7ED90 0000003F, IDTR - 07C5D010 000007FF
LDTR - 00000000, TR - 00000000
!!!! Find PE image
(ImageBase=07FC8000, EntryPoint=07FC8240) !!!!


64 bit: same as before

I run:
qemu-system-x86_64 --nographic --bios ../OVMF-X64/OVMF.fd -hda


Would it be possible for you to share with me the binary of the EFI payload(s)?

With that I could at lest figure out if the problem is with my
qemu/efi configuration or with the payload I'm building.

I doubt this can be the reason, however I'm using
gcc (SUSE Linux) 4.8.3 20140627 [gcc-4_8-branch revision 212064]

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