Hi Andrew,

On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 1:10 AM, Andrew Bradford
<and...@bradfordembedded.com> wrote:
> Hi Bin,
> On 07/16 18:47, Bin Meng wrote:
>> Hi Simon, Andrew,
>> Just noticed that Intel has released the FSP for BayTrail version 4.
>> The release notes is at here:
>> http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/embedded/software/fsp/atom-e3800-fsp-g4-release-notes.html
>> Like Andrew contacted Intel and got the message, that Intel does not
>> plan to release an FSP spec v2 complaint FSP for BayTrail, which looks
>> like so. The v4 version is still FSP spec v1 :(
>> But we should consider update MinnowMax instructions to use v4?
> I think we should, especially as from the release notes it sounds like
> disabling graphics is now an option which may make supporting E3805
> targets more possible (hopefully?).  Maybe it boots faster now, too?

Looks like the FSP v4 release for BayTrail has packaged a debug
version of FSP binary, which prints lots of debug message to the
serial console. This makes FSP debugging especially the DRAM
initialization a lot easier as it is no longer a complete black box
and when something goes wrong at least we know what's happening.
Disabling graphics does not seem to boot faster, if you mean the FSP
initialization time. But if you mean the VGA BIOS run time, we can
disable that in the U-Boot configuration.

> I've been on vacation and now I'm backlogged with other tasks, so my FSP
> configuration patch v3 will be delayed somewhat, but if we are planning
> on moving to this v4 FSP release, I will take a look at if anything has
> changed which would impact my FSP configuration patch and adjust as
> needed before sending.

Are you planning to spin the v3 soon? I am working on BayleyBay board
which will use device tree for FSP configuration.

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