Hi All,

I want suggestion on, How to boot multicore CPU from u-boot?

Modern SoC contain dual or qaud core same CPU core.Heterogeneous SoC
contain ARM cortexAx+M3/4 or CortexAx+Renesas SH4 and many other

As of now,I have two code to boot muticore CPU.

1)OMAP5 based SOC(DRA7 Dual core CortexA15) boot into AMP mode.Core0 boot
u-boot and linux kernel.Core0 load RTOS/Baremetal to Core1 and start Core1.

2)Renesas R-CAR E2(CortexA7+SH4).Core0(CortexA7) boot u-boot and linux
kernel.Core0(CortexA7) load RTOS to Core1(SH4) and start Core1(SH4).

Can we have common code or generic framework to boot other core from u-boot?

I have created framework for same but before submit it,I want your expert

Similarly common framework to boot CPU in hypervisor mode.(I will disscuss
in separate thread)

Bharat Gohil
Sr.Software Engineer
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