i am newbie with U-Boot software, and i have few questions about porting
U-Boot to user boards. I use AT91 board, which is based on AT91SAM9260ek. I
have different Nandflash(H27U1G8F2B) and different PHY(DP83848C) for
ethernet. I changed PHY address in /board/atmel/at91sam9260ek.c from 0x00 to
0x03. Now U-Boot detects PHY,  but when i set IP, NM, GW, and MAC to
enviroment variables, networking not works. Is defined somewhere in config
files which driver is assigned to which board, or is U-Boot auto detecting
and using drivers for another PHY chips? 

Sorry for my questions, but i cant find answer for this on internet.

Thanks for every reply.


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