> Support is also provided for the Haier Chromebook, which is based on the
> same SoC. In this case it boots from SPI rather than an SD card.

That's great work, but it looks like the matching between codenames and
actual devices names at
is a bit out of date.

Would you consider poking some people to get that information up to date
on rockchip Chromebooks? It would make it much easier for the rest of us
to browse the chromium source code and find out which devices we'd be
interested in getting to play with!

Paul Kocialkowski, Replicant developer

Replicant is a fully free Android distribution running on several
devices, a free software mobile operating system putting the emphasis on
freedom and privacy/security.

Website: http://www.replicant.us/
Blog: http://blog.replicant.us/
Wiki/tracker/forums: http://redmine.replicant.us/

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