Hi Ulrich,

On 9 July 2015 at 07:16, Ulrich Prinz <ulrich.pr...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Am 08.07.2015 um 17:25 schrieb Simon Glass:
>> +ML
>> Hi Ulrich,
>> On 7 July 2015 at 08:32, Ulrich Prinz <ulrich.pr...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>> Am 24.06.2015 um 01:28 schrieb Simon Glass:
>> Great, nice to hear from you! There's lots to do.
> I try my very best...
>>> Is there a reachable git repo that I can clone from you, or can you give
>>> me
>> Sorry I didn't include that in the cover letter. It's u-boot-dm in
>> branch rockchip-working - http://git.denx.de/u-boot-dm.git/
> I followed your README.rockchip and sucessfully created the spl image for
> download via USB, but trying to load it results in:
> #  ./firefly/tools/mkimage -T rkimage -d ./firefly/spl/u-boot-spl.bin
> ./firefly/out
> # cat ./firefly/out | openssl rc4 -K 7c4e0304550509072d2c7b38170d1711 >
> ./firefly/out.img
> # rkflashtool l < firefly/out.img
> rkflashtool: info: rkflashtool v5.2
> rkflashtool: info: Detected RK3288...
> rkflashtool: info: interface claimed
> rkflashtool: info: MASK ROM MODE
> rkflashtool: info: load DDR init
> rkflashtool is stuck at that point and doesn't return. Serial port is
> silent.

Don't you mean this?

 ./firefly/tools/mkimage -T rkimage -d ./firefly/spl/u-boot-dtb.spl.bin

You need to send U-Boot and its device tree. Perhaps there is a
mistake in my instructions but this is what I see here:


+To create a suitable image and write it to the board:
+   ./firefly-rk3288/tools/mkimage -T rkimage -d
./firefly-rk3288/spl/u-boot-spl-dtb.bin out
+   cat out | openssl rc4 -K 7c4e0304550509072d2c7b38170d1711 | rkflashtool l

> Second I tried sd-card image
> # ./firefly/tools/mkimage -T rksd -d firefly/spl/u-boot-spl-dtb.bin out.sd
> Warning: SPL image is too large (size 0x82b1) and will not boot
> Despite of the warning, I copied things to the SD and tried booting but it
> doesn't light up on serial console.
> The only difference I have, compared to your setup, is probably the
> toolchain. I have tried linaros 4.9._2014.11 and 4.8_2014q2 and ubuntu's
> 4.9.3, all arm-none-eabi.
> The resulting images are of the following size, more or less independent of
> the compiler I tried:
>  720965 Jul  9 14:44 u-boot-spl*
>   29652 Jul  9 14:44 u-boot-spl.bin*
>    3757 Jul  9 14:44 u-boot-spl.dtb
>   33453 Jul  9 14:44 u-boot-spl-dtb.bin

This needs to be <32KB or it will not boot. It seems to be a Rockchip
boot ROM limitation.

With my toolchain it is. I'll check it again later on. I do have a
patched toolchain which doesn't add a whole load of unused strings.
Maybe that is the difference. Probably I need to cut the size down a

>  1748823 Jul  9 14:44 u-boot*
>   208876 Jul  9 14:44 u-boot.bin*
> regards
> Ulrich

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