Bonjour Stefan,

Le Fri, 19 Jun 2015 17:13:12 +0200, Stefan Agner
<> a écrit :

> Hi Albert,
> On 19.06.2015 14:18, Albert ARIBAUD (3ADEV) wrote:
> > The VF610 DDRMC driver code contains settings which are
> > board-specific. Move these out to boards so that new boards
> > can define their own without having to modify the driver.
> >
> > Signed-off-by: Albert ARIBAUD (3ADEV) <>
> > ---
> >
> >  arch/arm/imx-common/ddrmc-vf610.c             | 239 
> > ++++++--------------------
> >  arch/arm/include/asm/arch-vf610/ddrmc-vf610.h |  60 +------
> >  board/freescale/vf610twr/vf610twr.c           | 181 +++++++++++++------
> >  board/toradex/colibri_vf/colibri_vf.c         | 169 +++++++++++++-----
> >  4 files changed, 312 insertions(+), 337 deletions(-)
> So this goes basically back to setting all DDR registers directly from
> boards? What we tried to do here is to factor out the memory chip
> specific data (JEDEC). The idea behind this is it would make it simpler
> to add new RAM timings if a new RAM vendor is used on a different board
> revision...  With your changes it will be unnecessarily hard to add just
> a new RAM timing for a new board revision...

I could probably factor back out the JEDEC settings, but there are
still differences in the lists of registers to write between the
existing vf610twr/colibri_vf and the new pcm052, especially the PHY
regs but elsewhere too, and there are some writes in the driver that
the PCM052 does not have.

As I wanted to leave the existing boards strictly unaffected, and as I
did not want to start sprinkling '#if defined(some-board)' over the
driver code, I went for a fully board-controlled design so that no
board could possibly be affected by any future change to the driver.

How about a mix? I could keep the JEDEC and lvl pointers in the DDR
controller init call arguments and append "per-boards" CR and PHY
arrays. The driver would do the JEDEC writes (thus keeping JEDEC DDR3
additions simple), the LVL writes if not NULL, then the "per-board" CR
writes if not NULL, then the current common PHY writes, then the
"per-board" PHY writes if not null.

This would keep common parts (JEDEC and minimal settings) in the driver
while allowing board their own specific settings -- even overriding the
driver settings, since the per-board writes would come last before
CR000 is rewritten.

Would that be ok ?

> --
> Stefan

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