On 5/7/2015 7:44 PM, Jagan Teki wrote:
> On 6 May 2015 at 02:30, Simon Glass <s...@chromium.org> wrote:
>> On 5 May 2015 at 05:37, haikun.w...@freescale.com
>> <haikun.w...@freescale.com> wrote:
>>> On 5/1/2015 9:54 AM, Simon Glass wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> On 29 April 2015 at 04:40, Haikun Wang <haikun.w...@freescale.com> wrote:
>>>>> Add command "sf info" to show the information of the current SPI flash 
>>>>> device.
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Haikun Wang <haikun.w...@freescale.com>
>>>>> ---
>>>>> In current sf driver, we show the debug information during the flash probe
>>>>> period.
>>>>> In case of without DM SPI, we need to run command "sf probe" to get the 
>>>>> debug
>>>>> information of the current SPI flash device. "sf probe" will re-identify 
>>>>> the
>>>>> device every time and it reduce the efficiency. We can get the debug 
>>>>> information
>>>>> without any re-identify process using "sf info".
> So for non-dm case, sf probe and sf info does same?
For non-dm case, sf info only show the information store in the current 
struct spi_flash, sf_probe will re-probe the SPI flash and create a new 
struct spi-flash.
>>>>> In case of using DM SPI, if we disable CONFIG_DM_DEVICE_REMOVE "sf probe" 
>>>>> will
>>>>> only call the flash driver's probe function the first time you run it and 
>>>>> no
>>>>> information will show after the first. It is recommended that only call 
>>>>> the
>>>>> flash driver's probe function once during u-boot period. You can get the 
>>>>> debug
>>>>> information using "sf info" in this case.
>>>>> Changes in v1: None.
>>>>>    common/cmd_sf.c | 43 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
>>>>>    1 file changed, 42 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
>>>> I wonder if you should enable this command only when driver model is used?
>>> You mean I should only enable it when driver model is used?
>>> I think it is also useful in NO-DM model.
>>> We can get the device information without data transfer using this command.
>> OK.
>> Acked-by: Simon Glass <s...@chromium.org>
>>> Best regards,
>>> Wang Haikun
>>>>> diff --git a/common/cmd_sf.c b/common/cmd_sf.c
>>>>> index 6aabf39..38841fa 100644
>>>>> --- a/common/cmd_sf.c
>>>>> +++ b/common/cmd_sf.c
>>>>> @@ -503,6 +503,44 @@ static int do_spi_flash_test(int argc, char * const 
>>>>> argv[])
>>>>>    }
>>>>>    #endif /* CONFIG_CMD_SF_TEST */
>>>>> +static int do_spi_flash_info(struct spi_flash *flash, bool 
>>>>> dm_column_style)
>>>>> +{
>>>>> +       if (dm_column_style) {
>>>>> +               struct udevice *bus;
>>>>> +               struct udevice *dev;
>>>>> +               struct dm_spi_slave_platdata *plat;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +               dev = flash->dev;
>>>>> +               bus = dev->parent;
>>>>> +               plat = dev_get_parent_platdata(dev);
>>>>> +
>>>>> +               printf("Device: %s\n", dev->name);
>>>>> +               printf("Chipselect: %d\n", plat->cs);
>>>>> +               printf("Bind Driver: %s\n", dev->driver->name);
>>>>> +               printf("SPI bus: %s\n", bus->name);
>>>>> +               printf("SPI bus number: %d\n", bus->seq);
>>>>> +               printf("Flash type: %s\n", flash->name);
>>>>> +               printf("Page size: ");
>>>>> +               print_size(flash->page_size, "\n");
>>>>> +               printf("Erase size: ");
>>>>> +               print_size(flash->erase_size, "\n");
>>>>> +               printf("Total size: ");
>>>>> +               print_size(flash->size, "\n");
>>>>> +               if (flash->memory_map)
>>>>> +                       printf("Mapped at %p\n", flash->memory_map);
>>>>> +       } else {
>>>>> +               printf("SF: Detected %s with page size ", flash->name);
>>>>> +               print_size(flash->page_size, ", erase size ");
>>>>> +               print_size(flash->erase_size, ", total ");
>>>>> +               print_size(flash->size, "");
>>>>> +               if (flash->memory_map)
>>>>> +                       printf(", mapped at %p", flash->memory_map);
>>>>> +               puts("\n");
>>>>> +       }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +       return 0;
>>>>> +}
>>>>> +
>>>>>    static int do_spi_flash(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc,
>>>>>                           char * const argv[])
>>>>>    {
>>>>> @@ -537,6 +575,8 @@ static int do_spi_flash(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, 
>>>>> int argc,
>>>>>           else if (!strcmp(cmd, "test"))
>>>>>                   ret = do_spi_flash_test(argc, argv);
>>>>>    #endif
>>>>> +       else if (!strcmp(cmd, "info"))
>>>>> +               ret = do_spi_flash_info(flash, 
>>>>>           else
>>>>>                   ret = -1;
>>>>> @@ -567,6 +607,7 @@ U_BOOT_CMD(
>>>>>           "sf erase offset [+]len         - erase `len' bytes from 
>>>>> `offset'\n"
>>>>>           "                                 `+len' round up `len' to 
>>>>> block size\n"
>>>>>           "sf update addr offset len      - erase and write `len' bytes 
>>>>> from memory\n"
>>>>> -       "                                 at `addr' to flash at `offset'"
>>>>> +       "                                 at `addr' to flash at 
>>>>> `offset'\n"
>>>>> +       "sf info - display info of the current SPI Flash device\n"
>>>>>           SF_TEST_HELP
>>>>>    );
>>>>> --
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Simon
> thaks!
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