On 2015-04-30, Fabio Estevam wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 8:50 PM, Vagrant Cascadian <vagr...@aikidev.net> 
> wrote:
>> So network works fine on the hummingboard i1 and i2ex, but the cubox
>> i4pro is still inconsistant:
>>   Net:   Phy 0 not found
>>   PHY reset timed out
>>   FEC
> When you see this error: does U-boot warn you about the MAC address
> stored in the environment does not match the one read by the fuses?

No such warning. Rather than keep you guessing, here's the output on

U-Boot 2015.04+dfsg1-2~20150430~5 (Apr 30 2015 - 20:46:44)

CPU:   Freescale i.MX6Q rev1.2 at 792 MHz
CPU:   Temperature 17 C
Reset cause: POR
Board: MX6 Cubox-i
DRAM:  2 GiB
*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment

No panel detected: default to HDMI
Display: HDMI (1024x768)
In:    serial
Out:   vga
Err:   vga
Net:   Phy 0 not found
PHY reset timed out
starting USB...
USB0:   Port not available.
USB1:   USB EHCI 1.00
scanning bus 1 for devices... 1 USB Device(s) found
       scanning usb for storage devices... 0 Storage Device(s) found
       scanning usb for ethernet devices... 0 Ethernet Device(s) found
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0

> I think if you use a clean environment (env default -f -a

Running "env default -f -a" resets the environment and clears out
ethaddr (as well as board_name and board_rev, which can be tricky for
findfdt), though I believe it is already using the default environment
because of the message:

  *** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment

But it doesn't really help with the ethernet changes.

> or do the setenv ethaddr; save) then the MAC address will be re-read
> from the fuse and stored in the env. Then ethernet should work fine.

I'm guessing you mean "saveenv" and not "save".

"setenv ethaddr; saveenv ; reset" still fails to work.

I generally try to avoid using saveenv as it makes it harder to test the
default environment when testing a new version of u-boot.

live well,

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