Hi Thomas,

On 12 March 2015 at 16:20, Simon Glass <s...@chromium.org> wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> On 11 March 2015 at 05:06, Beaman, Thomas <thomas.bea...@xerox.com> wrote:
>> Thank you, can you keep me updated if possible.
> OK I'll see if I can copy you on the patches.

I got back into this last week and hope to have something to send to
this in the next week or so.


>> Tom
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: s...@google.com [mailto:s...@google.com] On Behalf Of Simon Glass
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2015 1:21 PM
>> To: Beaman, Thomas
>> Cc: u-boot@lists.denx.de; Bin Meng; gabriel huau
>> Subject: Re: MinnowBoard Max uboot
>> Hi Tom,
>> On 10 March 2015 at 05:24, Beaman, Thomas <thomas.bea...@xerox.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Simon,
>>> Do you know what will be the timeframe of when someone may be able to
>>> look at this in more detail. I will be able to help test any updates
>>> if needed
>> I will take a look once I have things lined up for the next release, likely 
>> mid April.
>> Regards,
>> Simon
>>> Thanks,
>>> Tom
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: s...@google.com [mailto:s...@google.com] On Behalf Of Simon Glass
>>> Sent: Monday, March 09, 2015 11:49 AM
>>> To: Beaman, Thomas
>>> Cc: u-boot@lists.denx.de; Bin Meng; gabriel huau
>>> Subject: Re: MinnowBoard Max uboot
>>> +Bin and Gabriel
>>> Hi Tom,
>>> On 9 March 2015 at 08:08, Beaman, Thomas <thomas.bea...@xerox.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Simon,
>>>> I see you have put support for the MinnowBoard Max in the u-boot mainline.
>>>> Thanks this is a very useful addition.  I have been able to follow
>>>> your readme and build a working bare metal uboot. Using the built
>>>> uboot I can load and bring up a Linux Kernel.
>>>> What I noticed from the running kernel is that only one of the two
>>>> cores on the E3825 is running. In the power PC uboots I usually see a
>>>> section for the multiple cores in the .dts file. My questions is how
>>>> do I get both CPUs running on this board. Is it a uboot .dts file
>>>> setup that will enable this, or is something in the kernel start up that 
>>>> does this.
>>>> As a test I boot the same kernel using the EFI BIOS on the minnow
>>>> board and both CPUs are running.
>>>> Any suggestions or comments you have would be welcomed.
>>> My guess is that the LAPIC CPU start-up is missing. It isn't 100% clear 
>>> what the FSP does and does not do, but perhaps it does not do that.
>>> I did make something of a start on this with ivybridge but it isn't 
>>> complete, and it seems to be needed here.
>>> Regards,
>>> Simon
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