Hi all,

I've made ports of u-boot for two powerpc processors, MPC8343 and

The boards has 128MB of DDR2. So I enabled CFG_DRAM_TEST in 127MB
of those memories, and I got two scenarios:

MPC8343(ddr_clk = 264 MHz): test tooks 1min 35sec

MPC8541(ddr_clk = 333 MHz): test tooks 5 sec

Note: memories get ddr_clk / 2

Make sense?
Is this cause MPC85xx family has L2 cache?
Or cause ddr_clk? Or my port has problems in DDR configuration?

Im using Micron DDR2 memory, MT47H32M16HR-3:F, with CL = 3 for both ports.

Thanks in advance,

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