
I'm using the imx27lite-v2 branch for our opensource imx27 board. Right now
I'm trying to get the nand to work. I'm using a Micron 2Gb x8 part (p/n
MT29F2G08ABDHC). When I do "nand info" I get "Device 0: NAND 256MiB 1,8V
8-bit, sector size 128 KiB" which is correct. mtdparts returns:

device nand0 <mxc_nand.0>, # parts = 4
 #: name                size            offset          mask_flags
 0: IPL-SPL             0x00040000      0x00000000      0
 1: kernel              0x00200000      0x00040000      0
 2: rootfs              0x00b00000      0x00240000      0
 3: userfs              0x0f2c0000      0x00d40000      0

active partition: nand0,0 - (IPL-SPL) 0x00040000 @ 0x00000000

mtdids  : nor0=physmap-flash.0,nand0=mxc_nand.0
mtdparts: mtdparts=mxc_nand.0:256k(IPL-SPL),2m(kernel),11m(rootfs),-(userfs)

But when I do other commands like fsinfo or ls I get "read_nand_cached:
error reading nand off 0x2000 size 8192 bytes" errors.

My questions are: should the current driver support this chip? Do I need to
do anything else to prepare the mtd partitions? Is there a low level test I
could run on the NAND?

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