Hi Simon and Masahiro,

On 02/03/2015 08:32 AM, Masahiro Yamada wrote:
> Hi Simon,
> On Mon, 2 Feb 2015 22:00:25 -0700
> Simon Glass <s...@chromium.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have one of boards and would like to get mainline U-Boot booting on it.
>> I have followed the instructions for creating a BOOT.BIN file comprised of:
>> - boot.elf
>> - .bit file
>> - u-boot.elf
>> and putting it on a a micro-SD card.
>> This works OK with the diligent master branch from github. I can boot 
>> normally.
>> However this is 2013.10. Mainline U-Boot uses device tree so
>> presumably the elf file does not work. I expect we need to use
>> u-boot-dtb.bin.

I think the best what you can do is simple disable CONFIG_OF_CONTROL
from mainline u-boot and do not use now.
This is what I do in xilinx tree but OF_CONTROL is also working fine
but needs some setup.

>> However since this is not an elf file I'm not sure how to build the
>> image using the 'Create Zynq Boot Image' tool.
>> I don't see any instructions in REAME.zynq about how to create an SD card.
>> Any pointers please?
> I have a Zynq ZC706 board.
> The follwing is what I tried to run u-boot mainline.
> I hope it will work for Zybo board, too.

Zybo will be just the same.

> [1] If you are using Xilinx hardware tool (Vivado or ISE)
>     you can generate  ps7_init.[ch] or ps7_init_gpl.[ch].
>     Copy the C file and the header into borad/xilinx/zynq directory
> [2] Build
>     make zynq_zybo_defconfig  && make
> [3] Download the python script to generate boot.bin
>    git clone git://github.com/Xilinx/u-boot-xlnx.git
>     Copy  tools/zynq-boot-bin.py   to  ~/bin  or somewhere you like

In future I want to move this script to be the part of mkimage
but it has low priority now.

> [4] Generate boot.bin
> zynq-boot-bin.py -o boot.bin -u u-boot/spl/u-boot-spl.bin
> [5] Copy  boot.bin and u-boot-dtb.img  to your SD card
> Please give it a try.
> The problem about the instruction above is FPAG bit file is not loaded.

yes - but if you use xilinx tree I have also added support for loading
bitstream by SPL. I just haven't sent it to mainline yet.
But you can simple load bitstream in full u-boot which is fully supported
in mainline.

> Another way instead of [4] might be:
> Describe foo.bif as follows
> image:
> {
>         [bootloader]fsbl.elf
>         fpga.bit
>         [load=0x04000000,startup=0x04000000]u-boot/u-boot-dtb.bin
> }
> and 
> $ bootgen -image foo.bif -w on -o boot.bin

yes - this should also work.

> I have not working on Zynq these days.

why not? :-)

> I hope Michal can support us.

Simon: Let me know if you need any my help on this.
I have zybo here that I can try it.


Michal Simek, Ing. (M.Eng), OpenPGP -> KeyID: FE3D1F91
w: www.monstr.eu p: +42-0-721842854
Maintainer of Linux kernel - Microblaze cpu - http://www.monstr.eu/fdt/
Maintainer of Linux kernel - Xilinx Zynq ARM architecture
Microblaze U-BOOT custodian and responsible for u-boot arm zynq platform

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