This patchset adds support to driver model i2c api for Exynos i2c driver.
Few boards are using this driver, but the board peripherals are not ported
to the new api yet. So the CONFIG_DM_I2C_COMPAT is enabled.

Switch to dm i2c is currentlly not possible for the few devices like
Trats2, Universal C210, S5P Goni, because ir require soft i2c support.

For Odroid U3, the compatiblility layer is enabled, because it uses only
one pmic driver, which soon is going to be moved to dm i2c with the dm pmic

The i2c dm compatibility layer is also enabled for Exynos5 boards,
which should be removed after moving the i2c drivers to driver model.

Commits with the test code, from the previous patch set, are removed.

Przemyslaw Marczak (10):
  arndale: config: disable max77686 support
  exynos5250: config: disable max77686 driver
  smdk5250: config: enable max77686 driver support
  exynos4: dts: add missing i2c properties
  arndale: dts: add missing i2c aliases
  exynos5: pinmux: check flag for i2c config
  dm: i2c: s3c24x0: adjust to dm-i2c api
  odroid u3: dts: add missing i2c aliases
  odroid u3: enable dm i2c support
  exynos5: enable dm i2c

 arch/arm/cpu/armv7/exynos/pinmux.c  |  27 ++--
 arch/arm/dts/exynos4.dtsi           |  24 ++--
 arch/arm/dts/exynos4412-odroid.dts  |   7 +
 arch/arm/dts/exynos5250-arndale.dts |   8 ++
 board/samsung/odroid/odroid.c       |  14 +-
 drivers/i2c/s3c24x0_i2c.c           | 275 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 include/configs/arndale.h           |   2 -
 include/configs/exynos5-common.h    |   7 +-
 include/configs/exynos5250-common.h |   3 -
 include/configs/odroid.h            |   5 +-
 include/configs/smdk5250.h          |   2 +
 11 files changed, 291 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-)


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