On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 02:57:29PM +0200, Siarhei Siamashka wrote:

> level of maturity and support. I'm sure that some u-boot developers
> are also using something (otherwise, what is the point enabling
> '-fstack-usage' GCC option in the first place?).

Not perfect, but in doc/README.SPL:
1) Build normally
2) Perform the following shell command to generate a list of C files used in
used in
$ find spl -name '*.su' | sed -e 's:^spl/::' -e 's:[.]su$:.c:' > used-spl.list
3) Execute cflow:
$ cflow --main=board_init_r `cat used-spl.list` 2>&1 | $PAGER

And then, yeah, manual poking / just knowing that func() is or is not a
big stack user.


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