
On 30-12-14 12:25, Siarhei Siamashka wrote:
On Tue, 30 Dec 2014 11:36:23 +0100
Hans de Goede <hdego...@redhat.com> wrote:

On 30-12-14 11:26, Hans de Goede wrote:

On 30-12-14 11:18, Siarhei Siamashka wrote:

BTW, I have done a preliminary automatic conversion for all FEX
files from sunxi-boards, which enable lcd0 in fex. The results are
now available at the all the same http://linux-sunxi.org/LCD wiki page.
Cool, thanks for doing this!
I've just taken a look, looks good, as for the yellow entries with:

# warning: could not decode 'lcd_power' (port:power0<1><0><default><1>)

Those should be translated to:

CONFIG_VIDEO_LCD_FOO="AXP0-0" for power0
CONFIG_VIDEO_LCD_FOO="AXP0-1" for power1
Is this supported only for AXP209 so far?

What about the devices with a different PMIC?
Adding support for those should be easy to do on an as needed basis,
and will use the same string notation. The string parsing code is
generic and not isolated to axp209.c .

And I think you can also drop the:

"# warning: 'lcd_pwm' gpio extracted from 'pwm0_para' section"

That seems to be the right thing todo for A23 at least.
OK. Right now it looks up the "pwmX_para" section, where X is the
number from "lcd_pwm_ch" found in the "lcd0_para" section.

Thanks for your comments and clarifications.
You're welcome, thanks for your work on this.



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