On 22:11 Wed 17 Jun     , Kristoffer Ericson wrote:
> Greetings,
> Trying to make the hp jornada 700 flashboard u-boot friendly. Anyhow, the 
> compilation
> goes well until the last step where it spits out an :
> arm-linux-ld:/home/kristoffer/work/projects/u-boot.git/cpu/sa1100/u-boot.lds:42:
>                                                                 parse error
> make: *** [u-boot] Fel 1 (= error 1)
> This is currently the same for all sa1100 boards im trying. 
> So is it my toolchain or a real fault?
> My versions are u-boot (latest from git)
> gcc : 3.4.5
it's quite old I'll recommand you to use a more recent toolchain gcc 4.3.x as

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