Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> Dear "Michele De Candia (VT)",
> In message <4a3798c4.8000...@valueteam.com> you wrote:
>> this patch fixes a bug for 'nand erase' command: when bad blocks are 
>> present into erasing area, they were skipped but the erased size was 
>> updated anyway.
> And what exactly is the bug in this behaviour?
I think that 'erase' should have the same behaviour of 'write' and 
'read' commands: skip bad blocks until read/write size is reached. If 
you write a script that erases and then writes a NAND area and bad 
blocks are not skipped while erasing (as U-Boot actually does), the 
following 'write'  is successfully done but ECC checks fail on next read 
on the same area.
> Given the fact that you don't  know  the  number  of  bad  blocks  in
> advance, what do you use as reference for 100% in your display, then?
I used the size passed by the user from command line as target and the 
actual erased size as reference while erasing blocks and skipping bad ones.
> Best regards,
> Wolfgang Denk


*Michele Jr **De Candia*


Value Team

Via Vespri Siciliani, 9
20146 Milano
Tel. +39 0248985722
michele.decan...@valueteam.com <mailto:michele.decan...@valueteam.com>


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