This patch-set added byte program support for sst flashes
and some implementation changes in sf to support array slow
and byte program specific controllers.
Changes for v2:
        - commit message fixes

Bin Meng (3):
  spi: sf: Support byte program for sst spi flash
  x86: ich-spi: Set the rx operation mode for ich 7
  x86: ich-spi: Set the tx operation mode for ich 7

Jagannadha Sutradharudu Teki (2):
  sf: Fix look for the fastest read command
  sf: Enable byte program support

Simon Glass (1):
  spi: Fix flag collision for SST_WP

 drivers/mtd/spi/sf_internal.h |  22 ++++++---
 drivers/mtd/spi/sf_ops.c      |  31 +++++++++++++
 drivers/mtd/spi/sf_params.c   | 102 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 drivers/mtd/spi/sf_probe.c    |   9 +++-
 drivers/spi/ich.c             |   9 ++++
 include/spi.h                 |   1 +
 6 files changed, 114 insertions(+), 60 deletions(-)


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