This patch adds documentation for Odroid-XU3. This documentation is
based on that of Odroid (doc/README-odroid) made by Przemyslaw Marczak.
The documentation includes basic information about boot media layout,
environment, partition layout, and the instruction to burn the u-boot
image to boot media.

Signed-off-by: Hyungwon Hwang <>
Cc: Minkyu Kang <>
Cc: Lukasz Majewski <>
Cc: Sjoerd Simons <>
Cc: Javier Martinez Canillas <>
Cc: Simon Glass <>
Changes for v6:
- Newly added

Changes for v7:
- Fix several errata in the documentation

Changes for v8:
- None

Changes for v9:
- Add the new contents to the documentation of Odroid X2/U2, instead of
making new document for Odorid XU3

Changes for v10:
- Fix a erratum

 doc/README.odroid | 46 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/README.odroid b/doc/README.odroid
index 25b962b..2e8dd27 100644
--- a/doc/README.odroid
+++ b/doc/README.odroid
@@ -1,28 +1,39 @@
- U-boot for Odroid X2/U3
+ U-boot for Odroid X2/U3/XU3
 1. Summary
-This is a quick instruction for setup Odroid boards based on Exynos4412.
-Board config: odroid_config
+This is a quick instruction for setup Odroid boards.
+Board config: odroid_config for X2/U3
+Board config: odroid-xu3_config for XU3
 2. Supported devices
-This U-BOOT config can be used on two boards:
+This U-BOOT config can be used on three boards:
 - Odroid U3
 - Odroid X2
 with CPU Exynos 4412 rev 2.0 and 2GB of RAM
+- Odroid XU3
+with CPU Exynos5422 and 2GB of RAM
 3. Boot sequence
 iROM->BL1->(BL2 + TrustZone)->U-BOOT
-This version of U-BOOT doesn't implement SPL but it is required(BL2)
-and can be found in "boot.tar.gz" from here:
+This version of U-BOOT doesn't implement SPL. So, BL1, BL2, and TrustZone
+binaries are needed to boot up.
+<< X2/U3 >>
+It can be found in "boot.tar.gz" from here:
 or here:
+<< XU3 >>
+It can be downloaded from:
 4. Boot media layout
 The table below shows SD/eMMC cards layout for U-boot.
@@ -35,18 +46,20 @@ The block offset is starting from 0 and the block size is 
 | Bl2       | 31   | 30   |  1 (boot) |
 | U-boot    | 63   | 62   |  1 (boot) |
 | Tzsw      | 2111 | 2110 |  1 (boot) |
-| Uboot Env | 2500 | 2500 |  0 (user) |
+| Uboot Env | 2560 | 2560 |  0 (user) |
 5. Prepare the SD boot card - with SD card reader
 To prepare bootable media you need boot binaries provided by hardkernel.
-File "boot.tar.gz" (link in point 3.) contains:
-- E4412_S.bl1.HardKernel.bin
-- E4412_S.tzsw.signed.bin
-- bl2.signed.bin
+From the downloaded files, You can find:
+- bl1.bin
+- tzsw.bin
+- bl2.bin
 - u-boot.bin
+(The file names can be slightly different, but you can distinguish what they 
+without problem)
 This is all you need to boot this board. But if you want to use your custom
 u-boot then you need to change u-boot.bin with your own u-boot binary*
@@ -56,7 +69,7 @@ and run the script "" - this script is valid only 
for SD card.
 The proper binary file of current U-boot is u-boot-dtb.bin.
 quick steps for Linux:
-- extract boot.tar.gz
+- Download all files from the link at point 3 and extract it if needed.
 - put any SD card into the SD reader
 - check the device with "dmesg"
 - run ./ /dev/sdX - where X is SD card device (but not a partition)
@@ -66,7 +79,7 @@ Check if Hardkernel U-boot is booting, and next do the same 
with your U-boot.
    with a eMMC card reader (boot from eMMC card slot)
 To boot the device from the eMMC slot you should use a special card reader
-which supports eMMC partiion switch. All of the boot binaries are stored
+which supports eMMC partition switch. All of the boot binaries are stored
 on the eMMC boot partition which is normally hidden.
 The "" script can be used after updating offsets of binaries
@@ -81,8 +94,8 @@ But then the device can boot only from the SD card slot.
 8. Prepare the boot media using Hardkernel U-boot
-You can update the U-boot to the custom one if you have an working bootloader
-delivered with the board on a eMMC/SD card. Then follow the steps:
+You can update the U-boot to the custom one if you have a working bootloader
+delivered with the board on the eMMC/SD card. Then follow the steps:
 - install the android fastboot tool
 - connect a micro usb cable to the board
 - on the U-boot prompt, run command: fastboot (as a root)
@@ -91,7 +104,7 @@ delivered with the board on a eMMC/SD card. Then follow the 
 9. Partition layout
-Default U-boot environment is setup for fixed partiion layout.
+Default U-boot environment is setup for fixed partition layout.
 Partition table: MSDOS. Disk layout and files as listed in the table below.
  ----- ------ ------ ------ -------- ---------------------------------
@@ -106,6 +119,7 @@ Partition table: MSDOS. Disk layout and files as listed in 
the table below.
 Supported fdt files are:
 - exynos4412-odroidx2.dtb
 - exynos4412-odroidu3.dtb
+- exynos5422-odroidxu3.dtb
 Supported kernel files are:
 - Image.itb

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