On Fri, 2014-11-28 at 13:45 +0900, Hyungwon Hwang wrote:
> On Thu, 27 Nov 2014 15:33:05 +0100
> Sjoerd Simons <sjoerd.sim...@collabora.co.uk> wrote:

> > signed_bl1_position=1
> > bl2_position=31
> > uboot_position=63
> > tzsw_position=719
> > env_position=1231
> > 
> > for the various locations.. Which also explains the limit 335872 bytes
> > in your initial mail.. Awkward one though. Wonder if that's an SoC
> > issue or something hardkernel could fix by having a different bl1/bl2?
> > 
> (719 - 63) * 512 = 335876 bytes. The limitation is needed not to
> overwrite tzsw.
> Are you saying that the limitation can be removed? Yes, with different
> bl1/bl2. But I do not think that another bl1/bl2 will be released to
> relieve the limitation.

It was a something i was wondering. After send this e-mail i had a chat
with Mauro Ribeiro on #linux-exynos. He indicate that the BL2 determines
the u-boot load location and that it's an u-boot SPL build from their
u-boot branch. Also he indicated that he would be happy to sign a
modified SPL build which e.g. loads u-boot from behind the TZSW.

You can find the IRC log here:

I have yet to take him up on that offer though, but it sounds like a
good way forward. The current layout really isn't practical.

Sjoerd Simons <sjoerd.sim...@collabora.co.uk>
Collabora Ltd.

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