On Thu, 2014-11-27 at 22:21 +0900, Hyungwon Hwang wrote:
> This patch adds documentation for Odroid-XU3. This documentation is
> based on that of Odroid (doc/README-odroid) made by Przemyslaw Marczak.
> The documentation includes basic information about boot media layout,
> environment, partition layout, and the instruction to burn the u-boot
> image to boot media.

>  4. Boot media layout
>  ====================
>  The table below shows SD/eMMC cards layout for U-boot.
> @@ -35,18 +46,20 @@ The block offset is starting from 0 and the block size is 
> 512B.
>  | Bl2       | 31   | 30   |  1 (boot) |
>  | U-boot    | 63   | 62   |  1 (boot) |
>  | Tzsw      | 2111 | 2110 |  1 (boot) |
> -| Uboot Env | 2500 | 2500 |  0 (user) |
> +| Uboot Env | 2560 | 2560 |  0 (user) |
>   -------------------------------------

Where the previous values incorrect? Also this doesn't seem to match the
hardkerel script which has:


for the various locations.. Which also explains the limit 335872 bytes
in your initial mail.. Awkward one though. Wonder if that's an SoC issue
or something hardkernel could fix by having a different bl1/bl2?

Sjoerd Simons <sjoerd.sim...@collabora.co.uk>
Collabora Ltd.

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