Hi John,

On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 12:54 AM, John Tobias <john.tobias...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Fabio,
> The SPL support that I have done for sabresd is not %100 done. I just
> did that for the testing and to see if I could load the SPL image.
> Btw, I saw in freescale repository that they have the plugin feature.
> I enabled it but it didn't work. When I load the image, it jump to
> 0x00907000.
> Do you know how does it work?.

You should not focus on the plugin feature. It was posted a few days
ago and the general agreement is that spl should be used instead.

For spl example on mx6, you can look at gw_ventana, cm_fx6 and novena
boards as references.


Fabio Estevam
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