New command allows to:
     o check FW version
     o set LED status
     o set digital output status
     o get digital input status

Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Bernacki <>
 - implement sub-commands via U_BOOT_CMD_MKENT macro

 board/digsy_mtc/Makefile    |    2 +-
 board/digsy_mtc/cmd_mtc.c   |  350 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 board/digsy_mtc/cmd_mtc.h   |   60 ++++++++
 board/digsy_mtc/digsy_mtc.c |    2 +
 4 files changed, 413 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 board/digsy_mtc/cmd_mtc.c
 create mode 100644 board/digsy_mtc/cmd_mtc.h

diff --git a/board/digsy_mtc/Makefile b/board/digsy_mtc/Makefile
index 7d659e5..0bededc 100644
--- a/board/digsy_mtc/Makefile
+++ b/board/digsy_mtc/Makefile
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ include $(TOPDIR)/
 LIB    = $(obj)lib$(BOARD).a
-COBJS  := $(BOARD).o
+COBJS  := $(BOARD).o cmd_mtc.o
 SRCS   := $(SOBJS:.o=.S) $(COBJS:.o=.c)
 OBJS   := $(addprefix $(obj),$(COBJS))
diff --git a/board/digsy_mtc/cmd_mtc.c b/board/digsy_mtc/cmd_mtc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e377cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/digsy_mtc/cmd_mtc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2009
+ * Werner Pfister <>
+ *
+ * (C) Copyright 2009 Semihalf, Grzegorz Bernacki
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <command.h>
+#include <mpc5xxx.h>
+#include "spi.h"
+#include "cmd_mtc.h"
+static const char *led_names[] = {
+       "diag",
+       "can1",
+       "can2",
+       "can3",
+       "can4",
+       "usbpwr",
+       "usbbusy",
+       "user1",
+       "user2",
+       ""
+static void mtc_calculate_checksum(tx_msp_cmd *packet)
+       int i;
+       uchar *buff;
+       buff = (uchar *) packet;
+       for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
+               packet->cks += buff[i];
+static int do_mtc_led(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[])
+       tx_msp_cmd pcmd;
+       rx_msp_cmd prx;
+       int err = 0;
+       int i;
+       if (argc < 2) {
+               cmd_usage(cmdtp);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       memset(&pcmd, 0, sizeof(pcmd));
+       memset(&prx, 0, sizeof(prx));
+       pcmd.cmd = CMD_SET_LED;
+       pcmd.cmd_val0 = 0xff;
+       for (i = 0; strlen(led_names[i]) != 0; i++) {
+               if (strncmp(argv[1], led_names[i], strlen(led_names[i])) == 0) {
+                       pcmd.cmd_val0 = i;
+                       break;
+               }
+       }
+       if (pcmd.cmd_val0 == 0xff) {
+               printf("Usage:\n%s\n", cmdtp->help);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       if (argc >= 3) {
+               if (strncmp(argv[2], "red", 3) == 0)
+                       pcmd.cmd_val1 = 1;
+               else if (strncmp(argv[2], "green", 5) == 0)
+                       pcmd.cmd_val1 = 2;
+               else if (strncmp(argv[2], "orange", 6) == 0)
+                       pcmd.cmd_val1 = 3;
+               else
+                       pcmd.cmd_val1 = 0;
+       }
+       if (argc >= 4)
+               pcmd.cmd_val2 = simple_strtol(argv[3], NULL, 10);
+       else
+               pcmd.cmd_val2 = 0;
+       mtc_calculate_checksum(&pcmd);
+       err = spi_xfer(NULL, MTC_TRANSFER_SIZE, &pcmd, &prx,
+                      SPI_XFER_BEGIN | SPI_XFER_END);
+       return err;
+static int do_mtc_key(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[])
+       tx_msp_cmd pcmd;
+       rx_msp_cmd prx;
+       int err = 0;
+       memset(&pcmd, 0, sizeof(pcmd));
+       memset(&prx, 0, sizeof(prx));
+       pcmd.cmd = CMD_GET_VIM;
+       mtc_calculate_checksum(&pcmd);
+       err = spi_xfer(NULL, MTC_TRANSFER_SIZE, &pcmd, &prx,
+                      SPI_XFER_BEGIN | SPI_XFER_END);
+       if (!err) {
+               /* function returns '0' if key is pressed */
+               err = (prx.input & 0x80) ? 0 : 1;
+       }
+       return err;
+static int do_mtc_digout(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[])
+       tx_msp_cmd pcmd;
+       rx_msp_cmd prx;
+       int err = 0;
+       uchar channel_mask = 0;
+       if (argc < 3) {
+               cmd_usage(cmdtp);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       if (strncmp(argv[1], "on", 2) == 0)
+               channel_mask |= 1;
+       if (strncmp(argv[2], "on", 2) == 0)
+               channel_mask |= 2;
+       memset(&pcmd, 0, sizeof(pcmd));
+       memset(&prx, 0, sizeof(prx));
+       pcmd.cmd = CMD_GET_VIM;
+       pcmd.user_out = channel_mask;
+       mtc_calculate_checksum(&pcmd);
+       err = spi_xfer(NULL, MTC_TRANSFER_SIZE, &pcmd, &prx,
+                      SPI_XFER_BEGIN | SPI_XFER_END);
+       return err;
+static int do_mtc_digin(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[])
+       tx_msp_cmd pcmd;
+       rx_msp_cmd prx;
+       int err = 0;
+       uchar channel_num = 0;
+       if (argc < 2) {
+               cmd_usage(cmdtp);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       channel_num = simple_strtol(argv[1], NULL, 10);
+       if ((channel_num != 1) && (channel_num != 2)) {
+               printf("mtc digin: invalid parameter - must be '1' or '2'\n");
+               return -1;
+       }
+       memset(&pcmd, 0, sizeof(pcmd));
+       memset(&prx, 0, sizeof(prx));
+       pcmd.cmd = CMD_GET_VIM;
+       mtc_calculate_checksum(&pcmd);
+       err = spi_xfer(NULL, MTC_TRANSFER_SIZE, &pcmd, &prx,
+                      SPI_XFER_BEGIN | SPI_XFER_END);
+       if (!err) {
+               /* function returns '0' when digin is on */
+               err = (prx.input & channel_num) ? 0 : 1;
+       }
+       return err;
+static int do_mtc_appreg(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[])
+       tx_msp_cmd pcmd;
+       rx_msp_cmd prx;
+       int err;
+       char buf[5];
+       /* read appreg */
+       memset(&pcmd, 0, sizeof(pcmd));
+       memset(&prx, 0, sizeof(prx));
+       pcmd.cmd = CMD_WD_PARA;
+       pcmd.cmd_val0 = 5;      /* max. Count */
+       pcmd.cmd_val1 = 5;      /* max. Time */
+       pcmd.cmd_val2 = 0;      /* =0 means read appreg */
+       mtc_calculate_checksum(&pcmd);
+       err = spi_xfer(NULL, MTC_TRANSFER_SIZE, &pcmd, &prx,
+                      SPI_XFER_BEGIN | SPI_XFER_END);
+       if (!err) {
+               sprintf(buf, "%d", prx.ack2);
+               setenv("appreg", buf);
+       }
+       return err;
+static int do_mtc_version(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[])
+       tx_msp_cmd pcmd;
+       rx_msp_cmd prx;
+       int err = 0;
+       memset(&pcmd, 0, sizeof(pcmd));
+       memset(&prx, 0, sizeof(prx));
+       pcmd.cmd = CMD_FW_VERSION;
+       mtc_calculate_checksum(&pcmd);
+       err = spi_xfer(NULL, MTC_TRANSFER_SIZE, &pcmd, &prx,
+                      SPI_XFER_BEGIN | SPI_XFER_END);
+       if (!err) {
+               printf("FW V%d.%d.%d / HW %d\n",
+                      prx.ack0, prx.ack1, prx.ack3, prx.ack2);
+       }
+       return err;
+static int do_mtc_help(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[]);
+cmd_tbl_t cmd_mtc_sub[] = {
+       U_BOOT_CMD_MKENT(led, 3, 1, do_mtc_led,
+       "set state of leds",
+       "[ledname] [state] [blink]\n"
+       " - lednames: diag can1 can2 can3 can4 usbpwr usbbusy user1 user2\n"
+       " - state: off red green orange\n"
+       " - blink: blink interval in 100ms steps (1 - 10; 0 = static)\n"),
+       U_BOOT_CMD_MKENT(key, 0, 1, do_mtc_key,
+       "returns state of user key\n", ""),
+       U_BOOT_CMD_MKENT(version, 0, 1, do_mtc_version,
+       "returns firmware version of supervisor uC\n", ""),
+       U_BOOT_CMD_MKENT(appreg, 0, 1, do_mtc_appreg,
+       "reads appreg value and stores in environment variable 'appreg'\n", ""),
+       U_BOOT_CMD_MKENT(digin, 1, 1, do_mtc_digin,
+       "returns state of digital input",
+       "<channel_num> - get state of digital input (1 or 2)\n"),
+       U_BOOT_CMD_MKENT(digout, 2, 1, do_mtc_digout,
+       "sets digital outputs",
+       "<on|off> <on|off>- set state of digital output 1 and 2\n"),
+       U_BOOT_CMD_MKENT(help, 4, 1, do_mtc_help, "get help",
+       "[command] - get help for command\n"),
+static int do_mtc_help(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[])
+       extern int _do_help(cmd_tbl_t *cmd_start, int cmd_items,
+                           cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag,
+                           int argc, char *argv[]);
+       puts("mtc ");
+       return _do_help(&cmd_mtc_sub[0],
+                       ARRAY_SIZE(cmd_mtc_sub), cmdtp, flag, argc, argv);
+/* Relocate the command table function pointers when running in RAM */
+int mtc_cmd_init_r(void)
+       cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp;
+       for (cmdtp = &cmd_mtc_sub[0]; cmdtp !=
+            &cmd_mtc_sub[ARRAY_SIZE(cmd_mtc_sub)]; cmdtp++) {
+               ulong addr;
+               addr = (ulong)(cmdtp->cmd) + gd->reloc_off;
+               cmdtp->cmd =
+                   (int (*)(struct cmd_tbl_s *, int, int, char *[]))addr;
+               addr = (ulong)(cmdtp->name) + gd->reloc_off;
+               cmdtp->name = (char *)addr;
+               if (cmdtp->usage) {
+                       addr = (ulong)(cmdtp->usage) + gd->reloc_off;
+                       cmdtp->usage = (char *)addr;
+               }
+               if (cmdtp->help) {
+                       addr = (ulong)(cmdtp->help) + gd->reloc_off;
+                       cmdtp->help = (char *)addr;
+               }
+       }
+       return 0;
+int cmd_mtc(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[])
+       cmd_tbl_t *c;
+       int err = 0;
+       c = find_cmd_tbl(argv[1], &cmd_mtc_sub[0], ARRAY_SIZE(cmd_mtc_sub));
+       if (c) {
+               argc--;
+               argv++;
+               return c->cmd(c, flag, argc, argv);
+       } else {
+               /* Unrecognized command */
+               cmd_usage(cmdtp);
+               return 1;
+       }
+       return err;
+U_BOOT_CMD(mtc, 5, 1, cmd_mtc,
+          "mtc     - special commands for digsyMTC\n",
+          "[subcommand] [args...]\n"
+          "Subcommands list:\n"
+          "led [ledname] [state] [blink] - set state of leds\n"
+          "  [ledname]: diag can1 can2 can3 can4 usbpwr usbbusy user1 user2\n"
+          "  [state]: off red green orange\n"
+          "  [blink]: blink interval in 100ms steps (1 - 10; 0 = static)\n"
+          "key - returns state of user key\n"
+          "version - returns firmware version of supervisor uC\n"
+          "appreg - reads appreg value and stores in environment variable"
+          " 'appreg'\n"
+          "digin [channel] - returns state of digital input (1 or 2)\n"
+          "digout <on|off> <on|off> - sets state of two digital outputs\n"
+          "help [subcommand] - get help for subcommand\n");
diff --git a/board/digsy_mtc/cmd_mtc.h b/board/digsy_mtc/cmd_mtc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db3aeed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/digsy_mtc/cmd_mtc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2009
+ * Werner Pfister <>
+ *
+ * (C) Copyright 2009 Semihalf, Grzegorz Bernacki
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef CMD_MTC_H
+#define CMD_MTC_H
+#define        CMD_WD_PARA             0x02
+#define        CMD_FW_VERSION          0x10
+#define        CMD_GET_VIM             0x30
+#define        CMD_SET_LED             0x40
+typedef struct {
+       u8 cmd;
+       u8 sys_in;
+       u8 cmd_val0;
+       u8 cmd_val1;
+       u8 cmd_val2;
+       u8 user_out;
+       u8 cks;
+       u8 dummy1;
+       u8 dummy2;
+} tx_msp_cmd;
+typedef struct {
+       u8 input;
+       u8 state;
+       u8 ack2;
+       u8 ack3;
+       u8 ack0;
+       u8 ack1;
+       u8 ack;
+       u8 dummy;
+       u8 cks;
+} rx_msp_cmd;
+#define MTC_TRANSFER_SIZE (sizeof(tx_msp_cmd) * 8)
diff --git a/board/digsy_mtc/digsy_mtc.c b/board/digsy_mtc/digsy_mtc.c
index 8e863bf..e3c0329 100644
--- a/board/digsy_mtc/digsy_mtc.c
+++ b/board/digsy_mtc/digsy_mtc.c
@@ -244,6 +244,7 @@ void board_get_enetaddr (uchar * enet)
 int misc_init_r(void)
+       extern int mtc_cmd_init_r (void);
        uchar enetaddr[6];
        if (!eth_getenv_enetaddr("ethaddr", enetaddr)) {
@@ -251,6 +252,7 @@ int misc_init_r(void)
                eth_setenv_enetaddr("ethaddr", enetaddr);
+       mtc_cmd_init_r();
        return 0;

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