I ran into this problem while trying to include files necessary to include 
ehci feature for usb.
It would be of great help if some one cud point in a direction where i can 
get help...
Im using MPC8313 board and u-boot.1.3.0 on it.

Deepak Gopalakrishnan

Kim Phillips <kim.phill...@freescale.com> 
06/09/2009 05:06 AM

Deepak Gopalakrishnan <deepak.gopalakrish...@lntemsys.com>
Re: [U-Boot] MPC8313ERDB  u-boot upgrade usb problem

On Mon, 8 Jun 2009 15:32:54 +0530
Deepak Gopalakrishnan <deepak.gopalakrish...@lntemsys.com> wrote:

> Hi
> i am in the process of upgrading the u-boot version from u-boot 1.1.6 to 

> 1.3.0 and im stuck up with the usb.
> this is the error im getting
> => usb start
> (Re)start USB...
> USB:   ACTUAL Board
> Setting Clock...
> PHY Invalid
> Clock setting failed
> Error, couldn't init Lowlevel part
> i have no idea wat has gone wrong....

I have no idea what code you're running: there is no occurrence of the
string "PHY Invalid" in the current nor the v1.3.0 versions of mainline
U-Boot.  Does this u-boot have support for the USB PHY on your board?

Please try top-of-tree u-boot from git.denx.de and let us know if the
problem persists.  That u-boot is what's supported here.  fyi, board
support contributions are welcome here too.


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