On Tue, 2 Jun 2009 14:34:38 +0530
Deepak Gopalakrishnan <deepak.gopalakrish...@lntemsys.com> wrote:

> Hi im using mpc8313erdb board. and i have modified the u-boot 1.3.0 code 
> to suit my needs. But the problem is that now as soon as power up the 
> board,  the initial msgs are dumped on the telnet...and then as soon as 
> the prompt is displayed....it resets....and keeps on doing the same... 
> the thing is i dont know what change has caused this....it would be of 
> great help if anyone can guide me identify wat component have i messed 
> up... 

this could be anything including bad memory controller configuration.
Exactly how far does the prompt get?  Do you have a JTAG debugger?
Does the same thing happen with the latest & greatest u-boot on

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