Thanks a lot for your replies 
The issue was where at symbol was supposed to be changed to @

+               kernel at 1 {
+                       data = /incbin/("Image.lzo");
+                       type = "kernel";
+                       arch = "arm";
+                       os = "linux";
+                       compression = "lzo";
+                       load = <0x80008000>;
+                       entry = <0x80008000>;
+                       hash at 1 {
+                               algo = "sha1";
+                       };

When I was generating the keys ie., Step 4: Create a key pair

Am facing one more error while generating private key & certificate containing 
public key used for verification when I execute the below openssl commands it 
is saying can't open  config file:

 openssl genrsa -F4 -out keys/dev.key 2048
WARNING: can't open config file: 
Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus
e is 65537 (0x10001)
 openssl req -batch -new -x509 -key keys/dev.key -out keys/dev.crt
WARNING: can't open config file: 
Unable to load config info from 

Could you pls do the needful in resolving this errors cz of which am not able 
to proceed further
Many Thanks in advance
From: <> on behalf of Simon Glass 
Sent: Tuesday, November 4, 2014 11:42 AM
To: Srinivasan S
Cc: Jagan Teki; U-Boot Mailing List
Subject: Re: [U-Boot] verified boot of beaglebone black


On 3 November 2014 23:09, Srinivasan S <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks a lot for your replies,
> When I was executing the below  ie., Step 5: Sign the kernel from 
> When I was using the mkimage tools for sigining am facing the below errors, 
> could you please do the needful in resolving the below errors as early as 
> possible
> srinivasan@tata-HP-Elite-7100-Microtower-PC:~/TUNSTALL$ echo $PATH
> /home/srinivasan/bin:/home/srinivasan/TUNSTALL/board-support/u-boot-2014.07/b/am335x_boneblack_vboot/tools/:/home/srinivasan/TUNSTALL/board-support/u-boot-2014.07/dtc/:/opt/ti-sdk-am335x-evm-
> srinivasan@tata-HP-Elite-7100-Microtower-PC:~/TUNSTALL/board-support/linux-3.12.10-ti2013.12.01/work$
>  ls
> am335x-boneblack.dtb  am335x-boneblack-pubkey.dtb  Image  keys  sign.its  
> u-boot-dtb.img
> srinivasan@tata-HP-Elite-7100-Microtower-PC:~/TUNSTALL/board-support/linux-3.12.10-ti2013.12.01/work$
>  mkimage -f sign.its -K am335x-boneblack-pubkey.dtb -k keys -r
> Error: sign.its:7.15-16 syntax error
> FATAL ERROR: Unable to parse input tree

You should check that line of the file (line 7).

> mkimage: Can't read Invalid argument
> mkimage Can't add hashes to FIT blob
> srinivasan@tata-HP-Elite-7100-Microtower-PC:~/TUNSTALL/board-support/linux-3.12.10-ti2013.12.01/work$

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