Hello Przemyslaw Marczak,

On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 4:08 AM, Przemyslaw Marczak
<p.marc...@samsung.com> wrote:
> Hello Suriyan,
> On 10/24/2014 06:08 PM, Suriyan Ramasami wrote:
>> Hello Minkyu Kang,
>> On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 9:58 PM, Minkyu Kang <mk7.k...@samsung.com> wrote:
>>> Dear Suriyan Ramasami,
>>> On 21/10/14 02:52, Suriyan Ramasami wrote:
>>>> This change adds support for enabling the USB host features of the
>>>> board.
>>>> This includes the USB3503A hub and the SMC LAN9730 ethernet controller
>>>> as well.
>>>> Credit goes to Tushar Berara for the function set_usb_ethaddr().
>>>> Signed-off-by: Suriyan Ramasami <suriya...@gmail.com>
>>>> ---
>>>> v2:
>>>>   * Removed an unneeded header file from ehci-exynos.c
>>>>   * Fix indentation in the dts file
>>>> ---
>>>>   arch/arm/dts/exynos4412-odroid.dts      | 11 +++++++
>>>>   arch/arm/include/asm/arch-exynos/cpu.h  |  2 ++
>>>>   arch/arm/include/asm/arch-exynos/ehci.h | 13 ++++++++
>>>>   board/samsung/odroid/odroid.c           | 55
>>>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>>   drivers/usb/host/ehci-exynos.c          | 51
>>>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
>>>>   include/configs/odroid.h                | 13 ++++++++
>>>>   6 files changed, 137 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
>>>> diff --git a/arch/arm/dts/exynos4412-odroid.dts
>>>> b/arch/arm/dts/exynos4412-odroid.dts
>>>> index 24d0bf1..ac5fece 100644
>>>> --- a/arch/arm/dts/exynos4412-odroid.dts
>>>> +++ b/arch/arm/dts/exynos4412-odroid.dts
>>>> @@ -67,4 +67,15 @@
>>>>                div = <0x3>;
>>>>                index = <4>;
>>>>        };
>>>> +
>>>> +     ehci@12580000 {
>>>> +             compatible = "samsung,exynos-ehci";
>>>> +             reg = <0x12580000 0x100>;
>>>> +             #address-cells = <1>;
>>>> +             #size-cells = <1>;
>>>> +             phy {
>>>> +                     compatible = "samsung,exynos-usb-phy";
>>>> +                     reg = <0x125B0000 0x100>;
>>>> +             };
>>>> +     };
>>>>   };
>>>> diff --git a/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-exynos/cpu.h
>>>> b/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-exynos/cpu.h
>>>> index ba71714..fda21fb 100644
>>>> --- a/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-exynos/cpu.h
>>>> +++ b/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-exynos/cpu.h
>>>> @@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
>>>>   #define EXYNOS4_GPIO_PART3_BASE              0x03860000
>>>>   #define EXYNOS4_PRO_ID                       0x10000000
>>>> +#define EXYNOS4_GUID_LOW             0x10000014
>>>> +#define EXYNOS4_GUID_HIGH            0x10000018
>>>>   #define EXYNOS4_SYSREG_BASE          0x10010000
>>>>   #define EXYNOS4_POWER_BASE           0x10020000
>>>>   #define EXYNOS4_SWRESET                      0x10020400
>>>> diff --git a/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-exynos/ehci.h
>>>> b/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-exynos/ehci.h
>>>> index d2d70bd..3800fa9 100644
>>>> --- a/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-exynos/ehci.h
>>>> +++ b/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-exynos/ehci.h
>>>> @@ -12,6 +12,13 @@
>>>>   #define CLK_24MHZ            5
>>>> +#define PHYPWR_NORMAL_MASK_PHY0                 (0x39 << 0)
>>>> +#define PHYPWR_NORMAL_MASK_PHY1                 (0x7 << 6)
>>>> +#define PHYPWR_NORMAL_MASK_HSIC0                (0x7 << 9)
>>>> +#define PHYPWR_NORMAL_MASK_HSIC1                (0x7 << 12)
>>>> +#define RSTCON_HOSTPHY_SWRST                    (0xf << 3)
>>>> +#define RSTCON_SWRST                            (0x1 << 0)
>>>> +
>>>>   #define HOST_CTRL0_PHYSWRSTALL                       (1 << 31)
>>>>   #define HOST_CTRL0_COMMONON_N                        (1 << 9)
>>>>   #define HOST_CTRL0_SIDDQ                     (1 << 6)
>>>> @@ -61,6 +68,12 @@ struct exynos_usb_phy {
>>>>        unsigned int usbotgtune;
>>>>   };
>>>> +struct exynos4412_usb_phy {
>>>> +     unsigned int usbphyctrl;
>>>> +     unsigned int usbphyclk;
>>>> +     unsigned int usbphyrstcon;
>>>> +};
>>>> +
>>>>   /* Switch on the VBUS power. */
>>>>   int board_usb_vbus_init(void);
>>>> diff --git a/board/samsung/odroid/odroid.c
>>>> b/board/samsung/odroid/odroid.c
>>>> index 5edb250..6c78b67 100644
>>>> --- a/board/samsung/odroid/odroid.c
>>>> +++ b/board/samsung/odroid/odroid.c
>>>> @@ -453,9 +453,64 @@ struct s3c_plat_otg_data s5pc210_otg_data = {
>>>>        .usb_phy_ctrl   = EXYNOS4X12_USBPHY_CONTROL,
>>>>        .usb_flags      = PHY0_SLEEP,
>>>>   };
>>>> +#endif
>>>> +
>>>> +#if defined(CONFIG_USB_GADGET) || defined(CONFIG_CMD_USB)
>>>> +
>>>> +#ifdef CONFIG_CMD_USB
>>>> +static void set_usb_ethaddr(void)
>>>> +{
>>>> +     int i;
>>>> +     uchar mac[6];
>>>> +     unsigned int guid_high = readl(EXYNOS4_GUID_HIGH);
>>>> +     unsigned int guid_low = readl(EXYNOS4_GUID_LOW);
>>> We don't allow direct access.
>>> Is it special register? I can't find this register on TRM.
>>> If so you can make inline function at cpu.h instead.
>> This register is not in the TRM. This register is possibly documented
>> in the TRM for the Exynos5250. Through experimentation I found that it
>> behaves the same on Exynos4412 prime as well - I checked this with one
>> X2, 1 U2 and 2 U3s, and they do indeed do the job of being unique and
>> hence can be used to generate the mac address which will be unique
>> across all U2s/U3s/X2s and possibly other Exynos SoCs like Exynos4212
>> etc.
> Those register addresses are not documented anywhere. So use of them is not
> a good idea and can cause unpredictable results, even if was tested on a few
> devices.

OK, fair enough. I thought somehow it would be documented in the
Samsung internal user manual. I guess it is not!

>> Regarding direct access, I am a bit confused. In odroid.c I see quite
>> a many places which is doing a readl() of registers. Here we are
>> readl(addr) into guid_* similarly, and cooking up a mac address in a
>> local char array.
>> I fail to see your point. Can you please elaborate more, so I can
>> comprehend?
> The MAC address is defined by IEEE standard, so we can't use magic numbers
> from undefined registers.

I am aware of that. In the code by Tushar Behera you will see that he
does mark it - "not multicast and outside official 80211 MAC

> I see two ways to do it:
> - put the MAC into environment
> - use of UUID generator from: lib/uuid.c
> On the Odroid you will get the hardware acceleration, because the hardware
> random number generator is enabled.

Let me research a bit - if a random MAC address can indeed be cooked
up. If not, as you suggest, we can leave it as an onus on the user to
set it in the env. (which is what is being done currently).

Do you have any pointers in using the hardware random generator in the
Odroid? That does seem promising.

>>>> +
>>>> +     for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
>>>> +             mac[i] = (guid_high >> (8 * (1 - i))) & 0xFF;
>>>> +
>>>> +     for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
>>>> +             mac[i+2] = (guid_low >> (8 * (3 - i))) & 0xFF;
>>> please add space. i + 2
>> Shall do so.
>>>> +
>>>> +     /* mark it as not multicast and outside official 80211 MAC
>>>> namespace */
>>>> +     mac[0] = (mac[0] & ~0x1) | 0x2;
>>>> +
>>>> +     eth_setenv_enetaddr("ethaddr", mac);
>>>> +     eth_setenv_enetaddr("usbethaddr", mac);
>>>> +}
>>>> +#endif
>>>>   int board_usb_init(int index, enum usb_init_type init)
>>>>   {
>>>> +#ifdef CONFIG_CMD_USB
>>>> +     struct pmic *p_pmic;
>>>> +
>>>> +     /* Set Ref freq 0 => 24MHz, 1 => 26MHz*/
>>>> +     /* Odroid Us have it at 24MHz, Odroid Xs at 26MHz */
>>>> +     if (gd->board_type == ODROID_TYPE_U3)
>>>> +             gpio_direction_output(EXYNOS4X12_GPIO_X30, 0);
>>>> +     else
>>>> +             gpio_direction_output(EXYNOS4X12_GPIO_X30, 1);
>>>> +
>>>> +     /* Disconnect, Reset, Connect */
>>>> +     gpio_direction_output(EXYNOS4X12_GPIO_X34, 0);
>>>> +     gpio_direction_output(EXYNOS4X12_GPIO_X35, 0);
>>>> +     gpio_direction_output(EXYNOS4X12_GPIO_X35, 1);
>>>> +     gpio_direction_output(EXYNOS4X12_GPIO_X34, 1);
>>>> +
>>>> +     /* Power off and on BUCK8 for LAN9730 */
>>>> +     debug("LAN9730 - Turning power buck 8 OFF and ON.\n");
>>>> +
>>>> +     p_pmic = pmic_get("MAX77686_PMIC");
>>>> +     if (p_pmic && !pmic_probe(p_pmic)) {
>>>> +             max77686_set_buck_mode(p_pmic, 8, OPMODE_OFF);
>>>> +             max77686_set_buck_voltage(p_pmic, 8, 750000);
>>>> +             max77686_set_buck_voltage(p_pmic, 8, 3300000);
>>>> +             max77686_set_buck_mode(p_pmic, 8, OPMODE_ON);
>>>> +     }
>>>> +
>>>> +     set_usb_ethaddr();
>>>> +#endif
>>>> +
>>>>        debug("USB_udc_probe\n");
>>>>        return s3c_udc_probe(&s5pc210_otg_data);
>>>>   }
>>>> diff --git a/drivers/usb/host/ehci-exynos.c
>>>> b/drivers/usb/host/ehci-exynos.c
>>>> index edd91a8..9c479b1 100644
>>>> --- a/drivers/usb/host/ehci-exynos.c
>>>> +++ b/drivers/usb/host/ehci-exynos.c
>>>> @@ -85,15 +85,10 @@ static int exynos_usb_parse_dt(const void *blob,
>>>> struct exynos_ehci *exynos)
>>>>   }
>>>>   #endif
>>>> -/* Setup the EHCI host controller. */
>>>> -static void setup_usb_phy(struct exynos_usb_phy *usb)
>>>> +static void exynos5_setup_usb_phy(struct exynos_usb_phy *usb)
>>>>   {
>>>>        u32 hsic_ctrl;
>>>> -     set_usbhost_mode(USB20_PHY_CFG_HOST_LINK_EN);
>>>> -
>>>> -     set_usbhost_phy_ctrl(POWER_USB_HOST_PHY_CTRL_EN);
>>>> -
>>>>        clrbits_le32(&usb->usbphyctrl0,
>>>>                        HOST_CTRL0_FSEL_MASK |
>>>>                        HOST_CTRL0_COMMONON_N |
>>>> @@ -150,8 +145,32 @@ static void setup_usb_phy(struct exynos_usb_phy
>>>> *usb)
>>>>                        EHCICTRL_ENAINCR16);
>>>>   }
>>>> -/* Reset the EHCI host controller. */
>>>> -static void reset_usb_phy(struct exynos_usb_phy *usb)
>>>> +static void exynos4412_setup_usb_phy(struct exynos4412_usb_phy *usb)
>>>> +{
>>>> +     writel(CLK_24MHZ, &usb->usbphyclk);
>>>> +
>>>> +     clrbits_le32(&usb->usbphyctrl, (PHYPWR_NORMAL_MASK_HSIC0 |
>>>> +             PHYPWR_NORMAL_MASK_PHY0));
>>>> +
>>>> +     setbits_le32(&usb->usbphyrstcon, (RSTCON_HOSTPHY_SWRST |
>>>> +     udelay(10);
>>>> +     clrbits_le32(&usb->usbphyrstcon, (RSTCON_HOSTPHY_SWRST |
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static void setup_usb_phy(struct exynos_usb_phy *usb)
>>>> +{
>>>> +     set_usbhost_mode(USB20_PHY_CFG_HOST_LINK_EN);
>>>> +
>>>> +     set_usbhost_phy_ctrl(POWER_USB_HOST_PHY_CTRL_EN);
>>>> +
>>>> +     if (cpu_is_exynos5())
>>>> +             exynos5_setup_usb_phy(usb);
>>>> +     else if (proid_is_exynos4412())
>>> please don't mix cpu_is.. and proid_is...
>>> it should be
>>> if (cpu_is_exynos5()) {
>>> }
>>> else if (cpu_is_exynos4()) {
>>>      if (proid_is_exynos4412()) {
>>>      }
>>> }
>> OK, I shall do so.
>>>> +             exynos4412_setup_usb_phy((struct exynos4412_usb_phy
>>>> *)usb);
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static void exynos5_reset_usb_phy(struct exynos_usb_phy *usb)
>>>>   {
>>>>        u32 hsic_ctrl;
>>>> @@ -171,6 +190,22 @@ static void reset_usb_phy(struct exynos_usb_phy
>>>> *usb)
>>>>        setbits_le32(&usb->hsicphyctrl1, hsic_ctrl);
>>>>        setbits_le32(&usb->hsicphyctrl2, hsic_ctrl);
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static void exynos4412_reset_usb_phy(struct exynos4412_usb_phy *usb)
>>>> +{
>>>> +     setbits_le32(&usb->usbphyctrl, (PHYPWR_NORMAL_MASK_HSIC0 |
>>>> +             PHYPWR_NORMAL_MASK_PHY0));
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +/* Reset the EHCI host controller. */
>>>> +static void reset_usb_phy(struct exynos_usb_phy *usb)
>>>> +{
>>>> +     if (cpu_is_exynos5())
>>>> +             exynos5_reset_usb_phy(usb);
>>>> +     else if (proid_is_exynos4412())
>>> ditto.
>> OK, shall change this as well.
>> Thanks for taking a look!
>> - Suriyan
>>>> +             exynos4412_reset_usb_phy((struct exynos4412_usb_phy
>>>> *)usb);
>>>>        set_usbhost_phy_ctrl(POWER_USB_HOST_PHY_CTRL_DISABLE);
>>>>   }
>>>> diff --git a/include/configs/odroid.h b/include/configs/odroid.h
>>>> index b928af8..807e96b 100644
>>>> --- a/include/configs/odroid.h
>>>> +++ b/include/configs/odroid.h
>>>> @@ -198,6 +198,19 @@
>>>>   #define CONFIG_CMD_GPIO
>>>> +/* USB */
>>>> +#define CONFIG_CMD_USB
>>>> +#define CONFIG_USB_EHCI
>>>> +#define CONFIG_USB_STORAGE
>>>> +
>>>> +#define CONFIG_CMD_NET
>>>> +#define CONFIG_CMD_PING
>>>> +#define CONFIG_CMD_DHCP
>>>> +
>>>>   /*
>>>>    * Supported Odroid boards: X3, U3
>>>>    * TODO: Add Odroid X support
>>> Thanks,
>>> Minkyu Kang.

- Suriyan

> Best regards,
> --
> Przemyslaw Marczak
> Samsung R&D Institute Poland
> Samsung Electronics
> p.marc...@samsung.com
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