
On 10/12/2014 11:19 PM, Ian Campbell wrote:
> On Sun, 2014-10-12 at 20:07 +0200, Hans de Goede wrote:
>> Hi Ian,
>> Here is v3 of my second sdcard slot patch-set.
>> Changes since v2:
>> - Rebased on top of latest u-boot-sunxi-next
>> - Fixed Kconfig help text for : "sunxi: Turn MMC_SUNXI_SLOT_EXTRA into a
>>   proper Kconfig option" to also mention mmc1
>> - Added checks for sunxi_mmc_init failing to: "sunxi: When we've both mmc0
>>   and mmc2, detect from which one we're booting"
>> - Added a 6th patch with my version of the Kconfig unification, to avoid
>>   you needing to rebase yours.
>> I believe this patch is ready to go upstream now, so if I can have your
>> Acked-by for patches 3 and 6, then I'll push this to next, or you can push
>> this to next yourself.
> All Acked. I'm not going to commit tonight and I'm on trains all day
> tomorrow (heading to Düsseldorf), unless I hear otherwise I'll assume
> you are doing it.


And good to hear that you're heading over to Dusseldorf too. I'll be at the
u-boot mini-summit the entire day today (currently in the train towards
Dusseldorf). We definitely should get together, even if just to say hi :)

Maybe I'll see you at the u-boot mini-summit ? If you cannot make it,
maybe you can make the u-boot dinner tonight ?  :



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