
On Mon 2014-09-15 13:05:53, Marek Vasut wrote:
> This entire RFC series is the first stab at making SoCFPGA usable with
> mainline U-Boot again. There are still some bits missing, but in general,
> this allows me to use mainline U-Boot on my SoCFPGA systems. The big
> missing part is the SPL generation, which still needs a lot of additional
> work.
> This set contains patches for a few subsystems, bu the most part is the
> SoCFPGA chip support.
> Most of the patches should be in good shape already, so I wonder if the
> RFC tag is really necessary.

Just... I earlier today I tested Marek's git tree based on this
series, and it works well for me on board similar to sockit.


Tested-by: Pavel Machek <pa...@denx.de>

Thanks and best regards,
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