
Il 12/set/2014 23:16 "David Hawkins" <d...@ovro.caltech.edu> ha scritto:
> Hi guys,
> I'm going to jump in here with an end-user's perspective,
> along with an offer of assistance/contribution.
> I'm interested in using Altera's SOCs in my designs.
> Altera guys - if you look over on the Altera Forum,
> you will see that I am very active over there
> (basically answering everyone's FPGA questions).
> Up until now I have avoided any SoC development kits as
> I considered the software support to not have matured
> enough. I consider "mature" code to be code that I can
> checkout from mainline, where mainline is U-Boot via the
> Denx repos, and Linux via the Kernel repos.
> Freescale has done this forever, and I hold their
> processors and code in high regard.
> Texas Instruments has recently realized that this
> is the way to go, and have invested significantly
> in this area - as demonstrated by Tom Rini.
> TI have dedicated a page to mainlining:
> http://www.ti.com/lsds/ti/tools-software/mainlinelinux.page
> TI have similarly gained my respect.
> The fact that discussion is now occurring for Altera's
> SoCs indicates to me that a certain level of maturity has
> been reached and that it is now time for me to consider
> using these devices.
> I'd like to help, and I'm sure Ira Snyder will help too
> (most likely more so than me). I would like to obtain
> some SoC development kits so as to help with the SoC
> "experience" for end-users.
> To aid in this development, I'd like some recommendations
> on what hardware to buy. I've included the list below
> the body of this email (to save cluttering the flow of
> this discussion). Its possible for me to obtain one or more
> of these boards.
> Which ones are supported in mainline U-Boot and Linux?
> What will it take to make it easier for the end-user
> like myself?
> I would like to be able to buy something like the Critical
> Link or Denx modules and simply plug them into my custom
> hardware, configure the FPGA fabric with whatever custom
> "magic" I need, have Ira develop a custom drive to that
> "magic" and just have things *WORK*. As an end-user,
> I don't want to have to pull a dozen patches off the
> mailing list to get a working system.
> Altera's success in the SoC market depends on "getting
> it right" with respect to integration with the open-source
> community. That integration involves playing by the established
> set of rules. Wolfgang and his (creation and) support of U-Boot
> is of immeasurable value to the open-source community.
> Altera developers, please follow Wolfgang's advice.
> Cheers,
> Dave Hawkins,
> California Institute of Technology.

We know and thank you very much for price list ;)


> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> 1. Cyclone V SoC Development Kit
>    http://www.altera.com/products/devkits/altera/kit-cyclone-v-soc.html
>    This is the main kit that most people are probably
>    developing with. At $1,795 its pretty expensive,
>    but I could request a couple of kits from the
>    Altera University Program.
> 2. Arria V SoC kit
>    http://www.altera.com/products/devkits/altera/kit-arria-v-soc.html
>    At $3,495 this is also very expensive.
>    This board still ships with ES (Engineering Sample), so I
>    would not buy this yet.
> 3. Terasic/Arrow SOCKit
> http://www.terasic.com.tw/cgi-bin/page/archive.pl?Language=English&No=816
>    At $299 this is pretty reasonable.
> 4. SOC System-on-Modules
>    eg, Critical Link MitySOM
>    http://www.criticallink.com/product/mitysom-5csx/
>    Each module is about $600 at Mouser.
> 5. Denx MCV board
>    http://www.denx-cs.de/?q=MCV
>    These modules look reasonably priced.
> The CriticalLink and Denx modules look suitable for my intended
> application, i.e., as the controller for a much larger FPGA board.
> Wolfgang - feel free to advise me to use the Denx modules, and
> I'll take a more critical look at the data sheets to check
> they have the features I want to use.
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