Hi Ashish,
okay - i am using vxworks, and there is is a issue around the
interrupt vectors. In later versions 6.9.4 upwards windriver takes care
about this and sets up the interruptvectors.
U-Boot does sets them to some address within u-boot code, but vxWorks
expects that the interrupt vector are at the place where they are after
In my case (using AM3352 from TI) i've set the interrupt vectors back to
original state (have a look to my KWB-Board, board/BuR/kwb/board.c).
BTW: i am using a stripped image which i directly start with "go
<address>", but that shouldn't matter.
best regards,
On 2014-09-09 03:56, Ashish Khetan wrote:
Hi Hannes
Thanks for your reply. I am using VxWorks 6.7 and the image is not
stripped. The loadaddress is also same within kernel configuration. I am
using bootvx command to boot VxWorks. Do I need to update boot parameters?
On Sep 8, 2014 4:11 PM, "Hannes Petermaier" <
hannes.peterma...@br-automation.com> wrote:
Hi Ashish,
i had a problem booting vxworks in the past around interrupt vectors.
Which version of vxworks you are using ? do you use a stripped image ?
is the loadaddress the same within kernel configuration ?
best regards,
From: Ashish Khetan <curieux.khe...@gmail.com>
To: u-boot@lists.denx.de
Date: 04.09.2014 14:13
Subject: [U-Boot] VxWorks Booting using U-boot as Bootloader
Sent by: u-boot-boun...@lists.denx.de
I was trying to boot vxworks using u-boot bootloader for learning
on MPC8640DHPCN board. Previously I successfully ported QNX os along
linux on same board using u-boot. while booting using bootvx command its
not booting and stucking after showing the following message:
tftp 01000000 vxWorks
Speed: 1000, full duplex
Using eTSEC1 device
TFTP from server; our IP address is
Filename 'vxWorks'.
Load address: 0x1000000
* #################################################################
12.3 MiB/s
Bytes transferred = 2392432 (248170 hex)
BOSSv2.0=> bootvx 0010 1000000
## Ethernet MAC address not copied to NV RAM
## Using bootline (@ 0x4200): root=/dev/nfs rw
panic=1 console=ttyS0,115200
## Starting vxWorks at 0x00100000 ...
please somebody provide me some link or any pointer to help me get more
understanding about booting multiple os using uboot.
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